
[Image: Colored pencil drawing of Hue Spectrum on dark brown paper.]

I got a lot of drawing done during the slow periods at Youmacon!

Here’s a drawing of Hue Spectrum with colored pencils and sharpie on brown card stock. When I first started drawing and writing The Hues back in 1998, I did all my artwork with markers and colored pencils. 14 years and an art degree in digital media later, I feel like I’ve come full circle in drawing these characters again in their new forms with these pencils. (I seriously still have every colored pencil I’ve owned since junior high in a giant pencil box. It is awesome.)

I’m not 100% settled on what role the Hues’ uniforms will take on in the 2013 version, but I drew the girls in them anyway, just for fun. :)

Alex Heberling

Alex Heberling here. I own the place.