

Glass City Con 2014! 

Here are some of our adventures at the con! My brother & I did our 1st group cosplay as Cecil and Fem!Kevin and we also bumped into a lot of other awesome WTNV cosplayers! The Con was really fun, I got to meet Todd Haberkorn (He was super nice!) and got a wonderful commission of Romano Flowers:)  Can’t wait to go again! 

Cecil – dec-t

Percy Jackson – @shufflecats

Cecil with really sweet hair (2nd photo on the left) – celloloveforever

A sketchcard out in the wild! :D Glad you guys liked it!



“Do you know what’s funny? Sometimes I’ll see photographs of myself in the early days of The X-Files and I think that my attitude towards the whole thing was very similar to Kristen Stewart’s,”

“There’s a very similar look in my eye; slightly defiant, slightly bored. All I ever got was: ‘Smile! Smile!’ when I didn’t want to smile. And I really wish that somebody at that time had told me: ‘You know that it’s OK to be who you really are’.”

Gillian Anderson on Kristen Stewart