







a list of officially sanctioned vulcan names as of May, 1965

tag yourself I’m Sponk

Me: Here are my sons, Spirk, Spunk and Spank

Look at Spirk added, twice.

The legendary memo mentioned on wikipedia. It’s real.

Greetings humans, I am Spank.

I can’t decide if I’m Splek or Spluk.

How did he even want Spxyx to be pronounced?

Actually, iirc this letter was sarcastic – Roddenberry liked the Sp-k idea for Vulcan names and Justman wanted to show him how weird it would get in practice.

hi i’m spxyx





submitted by 

….oh my god.








hey @keyofjetwolf

you should have this on your blog again 

because it was a thing that happened.

It WAS a thing that happened, and the idea of it pops into my head now and then, and that doofy grin? RIGHT BACK ON MY FACE

This happened, and no matter what else comes at me down the road, this will ALWAYS have happened.

I was just at Shutocon and both Linda Ballantyne and Christina Vee (Viz Rei) were there and for a split second I thought someone had gotten ANOTHER video of (a) Rei and Serena arguing.

What Do You Wish Subtitles Had?


Hey guys; it’s been a desire of mine to produce my own series of Sailor Moon subtitles some day, potentially starting with PGSM. I have my own personal preferences for why I’d like to tackle it, but part of it is also improving the accessibility of subtitles.

My question is, if you’re HoH/hearing impaired/deaf, is there anything you wish subtitlers did to make the subtitles more accessible? It seems like most anime subs are made for a hearing audience, and they think some things don’t “need” to be subtitled because they assume people will hear it.
Some examples are things like doors slamming, footsteps, tire screeches, etc. that imply events occuring off-screen, or tone cues, e.g. sarcasm, trying not to cry, etc.
Even noting which character is talking in a group scene.
Would you benefit from subtitles that noted auditory cues like that, or would that not be helpful? Is there anything else you wish subtitles would do (or stop doing) in order to make them more useful to you?

And anime fans who are visually impaired, is there anything you wish subtitles would do/stop doing to help with legibility? I’ve heard people saying that they wish sub groups would chill out with the OTT karaoke effects (agreed lmao) and that it’s helpful when text is colour-coded to a character, so long as the colour combo isn’t hard to read.

I’ve also heard that people learning English can find subtitles particularly helpful, so is there anything subbers do that makes it easier/harder to understand?

Please feel free to reblog or add to this even if you aren’t interested in Sailor Moon subs, because hopefully other sub groups will find it useful too. :)

To go with the Ricci shop pic: what do you think of Wednesday marrying a woman who at first glance doesn’t appear to fit into the Addams’ world?



I could be sold on it! Depends on the woman.

One of the aspects of Wednesday’s character – I think of all the Addams Family but her in particular because she’s a young girl – is that she’s not just the outsider, she’s also the voice of outsiders, she’s the speaker for the weird. She’s defiant but with a purpose: she defends the right to be different if different is who you are, when she is literally the person in the family who is most likely to be abused by the outside world for it. 

Morticia and Gomez and Pugsley just ARE weird, in a sort of confident but unconscious way, and Fester struggles with being weird but not always knowing if he wants to be weird, but Wednesday is targeted for being weird and is well aware of it and fights back consciously. Which is why she would never grow up to be, say, a Stepford Wife type of creepy – she’s the antithesis of that conform-or-die mentality, even though the Stepford Wives are 100% a form of horror. 

So I think she would be fine to marry a woman who didn’t apparently fit in at first, because “not fitting in” is who she is and it’s also what she does, aggressively. It’s why she’s instantly so likable, because she wins every fight she gets into about being a weirdo and a lot of us have repeatedly lost that fight. But I also think any woman Wednesday could love would still have to share the Addams family ideals of accepting the Other and unconditional love for family. She’s not going to marry the Queen Bee, she’s not going to marry someone cruel or normalizing, which is the immediate idea of “not like the Addamses”.

But I can see her marrying a woman who’s super awkward or not slim and slinky the way Morticia is and it’s sort of implied Wednesday will be, or even just someone who doesn’t quite get the point of The Aesthetic™ but okay hon, we’ll do the Dark Swing Dance, it’s not like I don’t LIKE the Dark Swing Dance. Or someone who’s really upbeat and cheerful and likes pictures of kittens and fuzzy blankets and wearing bright colors and the entire family is like “What…do you two even talk about” and Wednesday turns to her dad super deadpan and says, “Skeletons” and in the background her fiance-soon-to-be-now-that-she’s-met-the-parents, who also happens to be a forensic anthropologist, just nods super enthusiastically. (True fact, the most cheerful, upbeat person I know used to dig up bodies for a living.) 

And Morticia considers this very carefully and then announces, “It’s time she met Grand Nana Sylph” and they get the shovels and head out to the graveyard. Grand Nana Sylph had the best bone structure of the whole family, and after Wednesday’s Young Woman articulates her, everyone can admire it in the comfort of the parlor!  

And then she wears like, a BRIGHT RED DRESS to the Addams Family Reunion and everyone looks at everyone else in black Victoriana and then back to this ONE PERSON in bright red and thinks to themselves, “It fits. The Aesthetic™ is still served. Wednesday found her a keeper.” 

You guys I have a LOT MORE THOUGHTS about the Addams Family than I expected, wow.

#i love this as it is#but halfway through i specifically pictured her gf being mabel pines#and i am so into this





I’m really late posting this, but here are (most) of the things I made in 2016! I completed more than 17 costumes and 55 pieces. 

It was a pretty rough year creatively. I realized how much I depend on inspiration, and how lost I am without that. Diligence is definitely something I need to work more on in 2017. 

Even though my mood wasn’t the best, I’m really pleased with the costumes I made this year. The plaid suit is my favorite thing I’ve ever made, and I’m pretty proud of the pink ball gown and cycling ensemble. 

I think my construction and understanding of historical garments has continued to improve, which I’m happy about. I also gained a new appreciation for fashion from the later 1800s, and feel a lot more open minded about other periods that I wasn’t interested in before.

I’d like to push myself more in 2017 and try styles I’m not as familiar with, I think it would be good for me. I did a bit of that last year, but not as much as I would have liked.

I have other goals too, brief descriptions of each project, and construction notes about (most) of these that can be found in my “Look back at 2016″ blog post. 

As per usual, I’d love to know which ones are your favorite!

Oooh I adore that mauve one with the crown-tiara-hat thing.