


Today I found out that the name Alexandra is found in Linear B, and it’s kind of blowing my mind because that means that name has been in use for at least 4500 years

The name actually appears earliest in its feminine form, Alexandra, as a-re-ka-sa-da-ra before we ever see the masculine variant Alexander! 

It’s also thought that it may have meant “defender FROM men” in addition to “defender of men”. This comes to be used as an alternate name for Kassandra, who may have been worshipped as a protector of unmarried girls and young women from the unwanted attentions of men!






everyone’s like “I’m bi but I’m not greedy” and I’m just sitting here like… excuse me… I’m bi and I’m greedy, I’m very greedy, I’m the greediest, I want all the boys AND all the girls AND all the non-binary people ALL at the same time

and here i am being bi and greedy for macaroni cheese

you know what that’s a wonderful idea. let’s have all the boys AND all the girls AND all the non-binary people over ALL at the same time for a nice plate of mac and cheese and late night movies. you’re all invited, sorry I made the rules

reblog if you’re a greedy bi, a greedy bi supporter, or if you really love mac & cheese