











ive been sitting on a phone call with a guy from microsoft for an hour now after my computer crashed so he can help me re-upgrade to win10 and 99% of it has been pure silence but 5 mins ago he asked me if he can go pee.

i told him bro u been sittin here watching my slow ass computer install windows 10 for over 50 minutes you can go make yourself a cup of tea and a sandwich if you want.

he came back and apologised for making me wait for him but he said he made a sandwich and a coffee and now heā€™s chilling at his desk having a bite to eat and weā€™re just hanging out watching my percentage climb.

im getting jack of the silence so i asked him where heā€™s from bc he has an accent and theres a slight delay and he said heā€™s in the philippines so now weā€™re talking about the girl who won silver in the weightlifting at rio and heā€™s so proud of her its adorable.

apparently itā€™s the first medal the philippines has won since the olympics in 1996 so this woman is a hero over there rn. i love hearing underdog stories i want to hear more.

shit boy now weā€™re talking about how countries like the US and australia are disappointed when they dont win gold medals but athletes from countries like the philippines are the pride of the nation if they even place and how it suggestive of the values of first world countries


weā€™re two hours in and i asked him what his record was for the longest phone call and he said five and a half.


im on hold again bc his supervisor wants something but apparently the five and a half hour phone call was because a guy was mad that he couldnā€™t figure out how to work windows 8 when he got a new computer so my tech guy spent nearly six hours teaching him how to use a fucking operating system.

this guy has the patience of a damn saint can we give him a medal or something like lets give the philippines their second medal in 20 years pleASE.

my computer finally entered its boot-reboot stage after installation and he asked me in the most polite way humanely possible if we could perhaps end the call and he will call me back tomorrow to make sure the upgrade finished properly.

this guy just spent over two hours chilling on the phone with me and heā€™s still gonna call me back tomorrow just to check that everything is ok.

i feel like ive entered a new plane of existence.


he called me back like he promised he would and asked whether everything was okay, and i told him it was and that ive reinstalled everything.

he said he was so happy that my computer is working again and that he was so glad that i was his customer because heā€™s not used to being able to chat and talk with the people on the other end just for the hell of it and it made his day yesterday.

his supervisor got on the phone and i gave him a glowing review, she said shes going to email me a survey so i can put it all on paper so he has the physical feedback to his name.

honestly that just made the whole stress of my computer crashing its pants so much better.

also his name is jhon.Ā 

I drew him a medal

This is fucking adorable.

Alex Heberling

Alex Heberling here. I own the place.

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