






The kind of thinking I like to see, the kind of thing I like to think about– and tell my students to think about.

Amazing how much a movie could be fixed by telling it from the woman’s POV.

“I was genuinely surprised by just how creepy Pratt’s character is when you take away his POV. We don’t know whether to trust him or not, believe him or not 
 We feel the cruelty as she feels it.”

I mean, I doubt many women would be nearly as surprised but yeah, a very interesting take on how stories are not the same when told starting from different points and perspectives

Excellent analysis.

Do you guys remember the scenes after the revelation where JLaw told Pratt to leave her alone and she’s jogging around the concourse
and Pratt keeps talking to her over the ship-wide comms system? Given the original edit with Pratt being set up as a Nice Guyℱ , it was supposed to be romantic like a boombox scene, I guess

but it’s terrifying! She can’t get away from him. No matter where she goes he can still talk to her, force her to hear him. Like the creep who sits down next to a girl on the train and insists on talking to her despite her book, her headphones, her body language and her verbal refusal to engage, Pratt just keeps coming at her like an entitled predator. 

It’s the last two people on earth fantasy that guarantees the man his choice of hot babe. :/ Because he’s a Nice Guyℱ and deserves a second chance.

This is a really good example of two important storytelling principles that I’ve come back to over and over again.

1. Entering the story as late as possible is often the most interesting choice. See how much creepier–and more engaging–the movie gets when we chop off the first 30 minutes? In this case, withholding important information until as late as possible is much more effective than seeing the story in a purely linear fashion.

2. Who you pick as your protagonist is the most important political choice you make as a writer. You’re choosing whose eyes we see the world through, whose mission we’re hoping will succeed, and whose interior life we empathize with. This is an example of a premise that gets way more interesting when you don’t assume it’s going to be told from the Default White Guy’s point of view.

Oooh, I love the suggested alternate ending with Pratt dying. What a fantastically dark option.

This is fucking fascinating. 





honestly “i’ll do whatever you want” “then perish” is the single most powerful exchange possible in the english language and it’s from some bizarre “hewwo” obama rp

And there was that other post where someone dreamt that Obama said “violence for violence is the rule of beasts” like what is it about Obama that makes people come up with such raw fucking dialogue for him

my mother had a dream where he lived in the forest and she had a cigarette with him and he said “to become god is the loneliest achievement of them all” and put it out and walked into the mist and i’ve never fucking forgotten that


Mission Notes: OPERATION LAP

Landing duration: 00:00:09

  • Subject retreats after low-altitude treats are consumed.
  • Upon evaluation, subject appears to forego remaining high-altitude treats.
  • Landing area reconfigured for desktop mode. Free space is occupied by subject.
  • Subject observed in relaxed state despite frequent use of catloaf formation.


Subject responded positively to treats distributed across target lap area. Treats were eaten during 4 point landing lasting approximately 9 seconds.

Mission deemed a success. Data collected will be released for research and development for future campaigns.




petition to make Earth Wind & Fire the new September meme instead of mocking the Greenday guy for mourning his dad

Pros: Funky beats, a classic late ‘70s R&B soul jam, it perks me up when I’m depressed as fuck, and also you won’t be tweeting relentlessly “reminder to wake up” at a guy who wrote a song about his father’s death

Cons: for the rest of the year you’ll have “BAAAA DEEE YAAAA DEE YAAAA DEEE YAAAAAAAAA, BAAAAA DEEE YAAAA DEE YAAA DEE YAAAAAA” stuck in your head, which imo is a fair trade off


It was, by far, THE FUNNIEST (imo) Duck Army soundtrack. A video of the Vine I saw is proving to be elusive, but I’ll edit with a video if I find it!


Mission Notes: OPERATION LAP

  • Subject approaching target to eat treats in closest proximity to neutral territory. All paws remain on ground.
  • Two paws on target. Subject continues eating treats.
  • All treats in the moderate zone have been eaten. No treats are accessible to subject from ground.
  • Subject removes third paw from ground to reach treats. Observer holds breath in preparation for potential landing.


Mission Notes: OPERATION LAP

  • Subject accepting treats adjacent to lap. 4 paws on the ground.
  • Treats placed one at a time on several far points of lap territory.
  • 2 paws on ground, Subject eats each treat without returning all paws to neutral territory.
  • Retreats from target area after consuming all available resources.
  • Subject remains next to lap, appears relaxed.
  • Executing TREATFALL formation.