Wait, I’m confused. Do you think that Venus ever really did die in the SilMil? Or was she alive when Queen Serenity did her reboot thing?





It wasn’t something I’d ever really thought about for my own take on things, or for my personal Silver Millennium headcanon, but I definitely think that’s what Moon Pride is saying, yeah. Venus and Venus alone is left standing at the end.


I don’t know if it’s how I’d keep it for my Giant Sailor Moon Canon Voltron, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t damned appealing. Because I am a terrible person who loves to hurt those she loves.

There was no salvation for her, no forgiveness; she had failed.  You had one job, whispered the voice of the ashes, of the shards, of the thin, eternally falling mist that had been her friends, and would never be anything but debris, galactic spindrift pooling around her like the rings of Saturn (and where was she, when the world was ending, when the breaking times came?  This was her burden, not mine, came the thought, before it went, just as quickly, because she did not deserve to be angry; not here, not now, not anymore).

One job.  Protect the Princess.  One job.  Know how to break anything, anything to keep Serenity safe.  One job.  Be the last line of defense.  And she had failed.  She hadn’t been able to break the Princess’s heart in order to save her; that had been too much to ask, in the end.  So she had allowed her to think that she was clever, little rabbit peeking out of the warrens of the moon, dreaming of freedom for the first time.

But the universe held a thousand enemies, for a rabbit, and she had failed; she had not been there, not fast enough, not good enough, and Serenity was falling, and there was nothing she could do.

“For the love of Serenity, burn.  For the love of Serenity, freeze.  For the love of Serenity, break the sky.”  She had practiced those phrases so many times, said them over and over until her heart no longer broke every time she spoke them, and now, in the end, it had all been for nothing.  She might as well have been her mask.  She might as well not have tried.

She felt the Silver Crystal come down.  Felt the world burn white, and for a moment, she dared to think that her Queen, who had never been merciful, would at least be kind.  Only for a moment.

Time is a malleable thing.  The Queen tore down, destroyed, and rebuilt a universe in the matter of seconds.  A flash of light, and everything was gone.

But for one girl, one broken, deathless failure of a girl, the light lasted for an eternity.

For the love of Serenity, whispered the Silver Crystal, and it was not merciful, it was not kind, it was not any force that a loving heart should pray to, remember.

And Venus did.






She ferrets it out of them, one careless question and casual comment at a time.  She works it like a child with a puzzle, making them think she’s just being her usual, silly self, until she knows she sure that each of them, when they first saw their Princess, remembered just enough to know that they loved her: just enough to press down the parts of themselves that would question this sudden, unthinking devotion, and become the good, loyal soldiers Queen Serenity had always wanted them to be.

Water can drown even the strongest men, but it is pliant, shapeless, formless; form yourself to her, the Queen had said to Mercury, more than once, when Mercury’s racing mind had left the Princess behind—and look, here is a girl who never leaves the shallows.

Fire can burn even the swiftest hand, but it is hungry, needy, helpless; need her more than you need yourself, the Queen had said to Mars, more than once, when Mars’s temper had left the Princess crying—and look, here is a girl who never loses her temper.

Lightning can strike even the smartest hand, but it is brief, cold, transitory; learn to be rooted for her, the Queen had said to Jupiter, more than once, when Jupiter had looked to the sky for meaning—and look, here is a girl who looks no further than her beloved Rabbit.

But they do not remember.

They will come back to themselves, their true selves, the selves they blossomed into here, in this bright blue world with its limitless sky; they will remember the pleasures they currently forsake, and leave their ghosts behind.  A single glimpse of a cold silver palace filled with thin air and the scent of moondust is not enough to unmake a lifetime.  And still, they will not remember, for that was not their punishment.

For the love of Serenity, Mercury froze, Mars burnt, Jupiter shattered herself across the sky.  For the love of Serenity, they gave up everything, and have been rewarded with everything made new.

For the love of Serenity, Venus remembered.  She remembers still.  Perhaps she always will.

For the love of Serenity, she alone will never leave that endless flash of white, when the world burned and a Princess fell and a Queen showed that sometimes, the moon has no mercy after all.




Alex Heberling

Alex Heberling here. I own the place.

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