
ladycabbage replied to your photo:

Where did you even find a lisa frank sweatshirt?! When did she make clothing? I am positively green with envy.

This is from the 90s!  My deep Lisa Frank stage was from about… 94-96ish?

My parents recently moved out of the house I grew up in, and they’re renting it out, so we had to clear out the attic before the new tenants move in next weekend.  This was in one of the boxes!  Along with several classic Lisa Frank folders (I’m SO using these for my artwork) and some American Girls Collection paraphernalia.

I remember there was a Lisa Frank catalog where you could buy things like clocks and giant stuffed animals and of course, clothing.  I probably got this from the catalog.  The Ballerina Bunnies were my favorites.

Unfortunately being in an attic for 15 years isn’t very good for clothing, since the sweatshirt hasn’t aged very well.  It may fit, but the fabric is all pilled and rough.  I’ll probably turn it into something else, though!



I’m kinda getting tired of people building up chubby girls by tearing down skinny girls. It’s one of those backhanded comments a lot of my art gets, and I’m tired of people saying stuff like “Finally! Someone drawing HEALTHY women!” or “Yay, women with REAL curves!”
Speaking as someone who is overweight and healthy
 fuck yooooooouuuuuu, you’re not doing us fat girls favors by being shit to skinny girls. Body acceptance doesn’t work that way.

I get this a lot whenever I put up my fat lady fashion drawings at conventions.  On the one hand, I know that the girls who rave about them to me and complain about “everyone else drawing stick women” are just glad for the representation and seeing someone drawing something different, but at the same time I’m always cringing a little inside.  A convention where I’m working my artist alley table is not the best place to conduct teaching moments about NOT calling other women sticks, so I often just have to smile, say thank you, and move on to the next customer.


I’ve been rewatching Sailor Moon all week, and I’m a bit over halfway through season 2. (Sailor Moon R, for the uninitiated.)  I didn’t use to like R that much, but I’m finding myself developing a newfound appreciation for it.  The Four Phantom sisters are totally hysterically funny, and even on the non-special episodes, the animation is a big bump up from season 1.  A plot-relevant episode with a big fight scene?  Forget it, the animation is awesome.

I guess R and SuperS got a lot of rap way back when in the fandom (and probably still today to some extent) but I’m really enjoying it this time around. :D


[Image: a worksheet of 25 expressions with Salime’s face drawn in accordingly.]

25 faces for Salime!  Her face lengthened out a bit as I went through the faces, I like it alot.  It certainly went a bit faster that Audrey’s faces.  I think I’m going to do Hannah next.


[Image: a photo of a fat white-skinned babe with curly, windblown blonde locks wearing a purple and black lacy corset, shiny purple leggings/pants, and a purple tulle flounce.  She’s posed with one hand behind her head and the other on her hip, with a big smile on her face.]


Velvet D’amour!

Well hello there.