

I’m kinda getting tired of people building up chubby girls by tearing down skinny girls. It’s one of those backhanded comments a lot of my art gets, and I’m tired of people saying stuff like “Finally! Someone drawing HEALTHY women!” or “Yay, women with REAL curves!”
Speaking as someone who is overweight and healthy… fuck yooooooouuuuuu, you’re not doing us fat girls favors by being shit to skinny girls. Body acceptance doesn’t work that way.

I get this a lot whenever I put up my fat lady fashion drawings at conventions.  On the one hand, I know that the girls who rave about them to me and complain about “everyone else drawing stick women” are just glad for the representation and seeing someone drawing something different, but at the same time I’m always cringing a little inside.  A convention where I’m working my artist alley table is not the best place to conduct teaching moments about NOT calling other women sticks, so I often just have to smile, say thank you, and move on to the next customer.

Alex Heberling

Alex Heberling here. I own the place.