
[Image description: A doodle of Alex from the waist up wearing a bra decorated with My Little Ponies and googly eyes, and rakishly saying “Oh ho ho!”]

Drew this during my lunch break last night.  My vision of the Ponies and Googly Eyes Bra had to come into being in one way or another.




So Rosalarian keeps posting these awesome decorated bras, and I had nothing better to do, so I went down to Hellmart and got some lace and flowers (surprise surprise, I already had the rhinestones and pearls) and made one. It’s my favorite :)

Girl, this is gorgeous! Damn.

I see this (it’s awesome!) and think of the things I have lying around that I could use to spontaneously decorate a bra and I realized…

My bra would be covered in googly eyes and ponies.


Here are things I drew today on my lunch break. Some Adventure Time doodles, imagining PB and Marceline in my style. I think PB would be very round, being made of candy, and Marceline would be much more angular. I actually really like the drawing of her playing the bass, I may redraw it bigger and fix it up at some point.

Then a shippy drawing of PB and Marceline singing from “What Was Missing.” I’ve been following Yamino so long, I can’t help it.

And then some Sailor Saturn appreciation. I tried to give her more Asian facial features, and she was going to be holding a heart crystal in her raised hand, but then lunch was over and I didn’t get to add anything else to the drawing.


[Images: A series of GIFs from The Office (US) showing Jim opening a Christmas present from Creed:  an old shirt he threw in a plastic bag.]

Today is apparently the day I discover tag tracking.


[Image description: A pencil drawing of Sami as Hue Spectrum, who wears a black and white costume with bracers, tall boots, and a skirted leotard-ish thing.]

Here’s this thing I drew today on my lunch break! The new Sami in the old school Hue Spectrum uniform. I haven’t yet decided in what capacity the uniforms will be in the new version of the Hues. I’ve got ideas for variations on the basic costume that differ from girl to girl.

Sami is from my upcoming comic series, The Hues.