
[Image: a webcam photo of Alex wearing big headphones and knitting with bright red wool.]

I started a new knitting project yesterday!  I’m making a pair of legwarmers that button up the sides.  Hopefully they will resemble spats when I’m done with them.  I’m modifying a lovely pattern I found on Ravelry to fit my legs.

I also hope my wool holds out for two of these.  I got two skeins as a gift several years ago and never made anything with them, so this seemed as good a time as any!  I’m hoping it works out to 1 leg warmer = 1 skein.


[Image description: Several pencil sketches of slogans in tatoo-inspired lettering: Fat Life, Rack of Doom, Death Fat, Fat Femme, Fat Butch, and Fat & Queer.]

Some ideas for my next series of Body Love Buttons. These will be in tattoo style, but I’ve got some researching to do on the lettering styles before I work on the final designs.



derych asked: Isn’t it illegal for a company (regardless of the seller or the manufacturer) not to have the ingredients showing? At least I’m pretty sure it’s that way in the UK. I’m proud of the way you dealt with the piece you had started, such a good way to look at it.

I dunno. It seemed mostly like careless ticker placing. Which, knowing most of those stickers are applied by night crew workers who don’t give a fuck (and who honestly shouldn’t give a fuck because they get treated like shit), is probably the most likely cause.

As an impoverished overnight retailer worker, I can confirm that most of us give very few fucks.  (At least where I work.)

[Image-  An animated GIF of Tiana (Princess and the Frog) shrugging.]



I guess her other leg is still forming.  *narrows eyes*  *looks at note from parent* Okay you get off the hook THIS time, artist.  But I’m watching you.

This almost looks like a pinup of Katara from Avatar: the Last Airbender, but only if the artist had never actually seen ATLA and was only basing the drawing off a rough verbal description of the character.