
[Image: Webcam photo of Alex, looking bedraggled and offering a toast of Carolan’s irish cream.]

My foot has been bothering me for some time, ever since I pulled something or another during a truck unload at work.  It’s been especially throbby the last couple weeks, enough to make me actually consider looking up a podiatrist to have it looked at, because clearly self-medicating isn’t working.  Yesterday after work, I was in enough pain to consider calling in tonight, but I ended up toughing through it, bought a bandage, and went in to earn my $7.80 an hour.

Well, I was helping a customer at the jewelry counter, and when I opened one of the big, heavy drawers to look for something, I discovered it didn’t have any catches in the back to prevent the drawer from dropping straight down on my bad foot.

So I went home, cried a bunch, then bought some ice cream and Carolan’s, since my broke ass can’t afford Baileys.  Happy St. Patrick’s Day.