
[Image: A worksheet of 25 expressions for Andrea.]

25 expressions for Andrea. She surprised me with some of these… She’s easily the most emotive of the Hues.

For my newer followers, I’m working on the development of my dream project, The Hues.  It’s a comic series about a group of survivors of an alien invasion apocalypse that discover they have magical powers and can save the world.

Post Apocalyptic Magical Girls, fuck yeah.

So from time to time, I post my sketches and concept art.  I’ve been doing this facial expression worksheet for each of the 7 girls who are the main characters.

I’m shooting to launch the comic this summer!  You can look at the rest of my Hues art either in my art tag, The Hues tag, or in my Deviantart gallery. :D


[Image: webcam photo of Alex wearing a hot pink skull t-shirt and a grey pinstriped fedora-type hat with a purple flower kanzashi clipped to it.  She is striking a cocky pose/expression.]

Dusting off the CONVENTION HAT.


[Image: A color illustration of Hannah, redheaded and lanky, sitting with her knees to her chest and ankles crossed; Sami, brown-skinned and petite in oversized clothing, sitting cross-legged; and Andrea, chubby and auburn-haired, sitting  with her leg curled underneath her.  They look towards the viewer looking slightly uncertain.]

SAH Sitting by *alex-heberling

Sami, Hannah, and Andy are the first three girls we’re going to meet in The Hues.

I will inevitably get things like “Burger King Kids’ Club” shouted at me for my character designs for this comic, but IDGAF.  I hope that every girl will be able to see some part of themselves in my comic. :x

Baltimore Comic Con?

So, a question to my east coast friends, and anyone else who’s been to Baltimore Comic Con.  An Artist Alley table is $200.  I’ve never been to BCC before.

I gotten one testimonial that it’s a hardcore old-school comics crowd, but I’ve also got many friends that go who haven’t responded to my queries yet. Is it worth it for the webcomickers?


[Image: A comic of Alex looking into her closet thinking “I sometimes wonder if I possibly have too many articles of purple clothing… then I smack myself at the very thought of such a thing."  The bottom panel is of Alex in an all-purple outfit with white boots against an orange background that says "BITCH I’m FABULOUS.”]




[Image: a drawing of Alex laying back in an armchair sleep, snuggling a big ear of corn, and an ice pack resting on her other arm. Top text: Back from Ohayocon! Bottom text: Thank you to everyone who stopped by! My hand needs a rest from all the drawing, so proper comics will resume on Friday! –Alex.]

Ohayocon has set a high bar for the rest of my shows this year!  It honestly feels good to be getting back into the swing of things.  I haven’t had a convention in 4 months, so I was surprised to find how much I’d missed them during the long dark winter. ^_^

Going out with friends for lunch today!