
[Images: Webcam photo of various My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic toys in their packaging, and a webcam photo of Alex peeking out from behind My Little Pony #1 while holding up a Rarity toy.]

This has been a ponyful week.


Marvel, we need to talk.

I came across some of your toys last night at work, and I found this. You need to fire both the designer of this packaging and the art director that OK’d it.

YOU ARE MARVEL COMICS. What the fuck is Comic Sans doing on your packaging?!


Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are done!  I’m very pleased with RD’s haircut.  I curled Pinkie’s hair with cut up plastic drinking straws, then gave her a trim once I unfurled her coiffure.


Applejack is all done!  I think I put too much curl in her hair, but at least her ponytail (ha!) is poofing out like I want it to. ^_^ I used some red yarn I had lying around for the hair ties.