Mad Max worldbuilding with production designer Colin Gibson


Gibson was a long-term production designer for George Miller and the production
designer on Mad Max: Fury Road. Somehow I didn’t learn about him and his
interviews until recently. I listened to 2.5 hours of podcast interviews, so you don’t
have to, and scavenged some Fury Road film worldbuilding.

To start,
some of the shiny bits from the first podcast I listened to, You Are Awaited:

  • “Every War Boy would
    be competitive. Every one wants to have the most aspirated carburetor, the
    biggest tires, the largest spread, the most explosive weapon.”
  • Coins, useless as currency after the Fall, were used by the
    War Boys to create damaging shrapnel, packed into the tips of the
  • The
    Vuvalini motorbike metal adornments were indeed inspired by henna tattooing.
  • On the People Eater: “He’s got a syphilitic nose because
    George loves the idea that it’s rotting!”
  • There’s very little written language any more: “only those
    higher levels have managed to maintain that.”

Behind the
cut: 1000+ words on vehicles in love, fetishized masks, the narrative role of
the History Man, and a whole lot of Gas Town and Polecats.

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“Nighthawks” – by Edward Hooper + inspired various media

The remixes always intrigue me because a central tenet of the original painting, at least a generally accepted one, is urban isolation – these are strangers thrown together by chance, alone even in a city full of people, because of the time and the place and, implied, because of who they are. Even the man and woman, who could conceivably be there together, aren’t looking at each other. There’s a warmth to the painting but it’s the warmth of physical shelter, not of community. At least, not chosen community. 

But if you look at the remixes, many of them are specifically about community and intimacy. That second painting I believe is the date-night scene from That 70s Show, which means the man and woman are an older married couple. Most of the others are either intimately associated (Bogart, Monroe, Dean, and Presley all serve as an era-specific touchstone) or pre-existing quasi-family groups (CSI, Family Guy, Bob’s Burgers, Cowboy Bebop, Star Trek). The Simpsons characters I’m less familiar with but I don’t think they’re a “community” – though they are remixed to be seated in a facing configuration, which indicates more connection than side-by-side would. The lego remix is a bit constrained by its media, but the people in it are crowded together and smiling. The Tick remix is really the only one that retains the sense of urban isolation to its fullest.

I’m not trying to criticize anyone for “getting it wrong” because I don’t believe they did – the whole point of a remix is to add new meaning, and anyway you could debate Nighthawks forever, there is no one right meaning for art. The reason I point out the shift is that I think it shows our basic human yearning for connection – that we see this spectacular painting and its haunting image of solitude among the masses, and we rebuild it in the image of family. 

So, in case you haven’t seen what Tokyo Disney is doing for halloween


Here’s the basics. The big villains of the disney movies have invited mickey and the crew to join them for halloween. Meanwhile, the villains have sent out ‘recruiters’ to get the guests to join the villain’s side!

Here are the recruiters, because they’re amazing and already are amassing a fanbase (plus I want to draw them). I’ve only got a few of their names, so I wrote the ones I knew.

Eight Foot Joe (Ursula): 

Apple Poison (Evil Queen): 

Jack of Hearts (Queen of Hearts):

(Cruella DeVille):

Malefi (Maleficent):

Veil (Frollo):


(Captain Hook): 



If y’all know any of the names I don’t, please put them!



how to have soft hair: so you know the part of the shower you spend staring into the indeterminable void, so far gone into nothingness that you almost expect it to reply, fully aware of the improbability of our continued existence, dazzled and terrified by the otherworldly creatures moving in a plane beyond ours, wondering if you’re imagining the black claws closing in around you? you put the conditioner in your hair before that