Gave my website a facelift. Now to tidy up around here! D:
Magical Meglet is magical! :D
Check it out! I finally got my awesome Yuko Ota print up! It even matches my desk, aaahh! (I made it a big pic so we can all play “What the heck is that on Meg’s desk?”) You may note that my desk is 10% for work and 90% for toys. Eesh!
Speaking of, I’ve been Super Bummed lately, which has brought my productivity to a grinding halt (even affecting BSSMF this week, ugh). I suspect its related to not leaving the house much, and also gross seasonal wintertimes abloo bloo bloo. That would explain why I have been Super Bummed so often lately.
But thank you guys for sticking around and for nice notes and all that! You’re pretty awesome, and I’m getting out of this funk. Dan is also on break this week which has made things better (more leaving the house/seeing people) but also more chaotic. But anyway, thanks! ^__^
Oooooh, neat… is… is that desk attached to the cubey shelves?! That’s so rad. *_*
So? SO?
Reblog for the day/evening crew, since I posted a bunch today and it got a little lost. ^__^
Isso prettyyyyy!
Mew, as requested by Alex (alexheberling) because SAILOR MEW DUH, and also by my pal Nicki. Possibly the last one for tonight.
Sailor Mew was an otaku senshi I came up with back in the day. (Mew was my favorite Pokemon.) I used her as an online persona/handle for many years, most notably in the Senshi Exchange Club. I’ve been getting nostalgic for the early 00’s Sailor Moon fandom, what with the new series on the way this year. ^_^
It’s been a VERY long time since I drew her, and I’m not entirely convinced I got her bow colors right, but I think this is pretty close.
*disappears in a cloud of Pop-Tarts*
I’m pretty sure we lucked out with the SEC. That was such a good time for otaku senshi! What will all the new moonies do?! So many of the old haunts are gone. …Are they going to put a weird tumblr twist on it?
Sailor Mew is the shit! I had forgotten about the Pop-Tarts. And now I am hungry.
But moreso, I kinda want to do a picture of some of the homegirls. And maybe go back in time and hang out on the boards again. ;_; Dammit Areku! :p
I KNOWWW. Grep Sailormoon* is still around, but is a mere shadow of what it used to be. As the years have gone on, hundreds of the old hangouts and shrines have dropped off the face of the internet as the owners finally decided not to renew their domains.
Even the well-known fanfic sites like Sailor Orion’s Refuge and the Crystalstars have been gone for years and years. How many (static) sites did we lose when Yahoo finally pulled the plug on Geocities?