
I… have more or less decided I’m going to go through with making The Hues into a comic.

TH has been my baby since I was 12 years old.  It began as, more or less, Sailor Moon fanfiction.  For a long time, in my adult life at least, I was convinced it would never see the light of day because I thought I’d lost all objectivity about it.  It’s been filed away in the back of my mind for quite awhile, but I’ve been mulling it over for the last year and a half or so, and I think I’m ready to move forward.

This picture is from 2003, approximately the last time I was working on it actively, as it was originally an epic tale spanning three books.  I actually did finish writing the first book, and if you look reeeeeeally hard in certain dusty corners of the internet, you can find it, poor pacing and characterization and all.

BUT, the new version will be a post-apocalyptic science fantasy, about a group of magical girls who discover their powers a little later than we would’ve liked.  Basically, the question I’m interested in is, “If the Big Bad invaded Earth and the Magical Girl Squad wasn’t ready, what would happen?”

And to cut into the painful whitey-whiteness of our main cast, the new cast will be multicultural, multiracial, and with a variety of body types.  It’s going to be SO RAD.

Anyways, I’m not sure when I’ll be starting The Hues, since I only have the very basic story arcs in my head at the moment, plus changing the setting to post-apocalypse throws a bit of a wrench in the existing mythology I had before, but I think I can carry the basic spirit of the old stuff and put it into the new stuff.

And all this was to let you know that, last weekend at Matsuricon, I spent some of my idle time at the table doing some concept sketches.  So here they come!


Here we go again!  Here’s Scarlett all inked up with colors and some spot highlighting this time.  I’m not sure if I’ll work on this any farther, but I like how the inks turned out.  Man, that bow and arrow took FOREVER.

Now I can go back to MORE PONIES!


Went ahead and redrew this piece from 2001.  Don’t know if I’ll get around to coloring it, so here it is all sketchy!


  • Tweaked the pose in places to be more natural.  It may have lost some of the dynamicness of the original, what do you think?
  • She’s now cocking the arrow as opposed to… whatever she was doing before. She’s also holding the bow and arrow with the correct hands. (She’s right-handed.)
  • Body proportions are… in proportion.
  • Her body shape is more like what I picture in my head.
  • Also I have an art degree this time around. :B

Old version:



I don’t entirely hate this one. It’s a picture of Hue Scarlett, from the Hues, my previously-mentioned magical girl fiction project.  I should redo this picture with my current skills.

That’s it for the stuff from 2001!  Maybe in another year, I’ll look through the stuff from 2002. ^_^;;


This is one of the few colored drawings in this sketchbook.  I did a few of them in the first few pages of this sketchbook, but it didn’t last.

Samishii and Yousei are two characters from my very embarrassing original fiction, Sailor Moon-inspired/loving-ripoff magical girl story, The Hues.  It’s my baby, and I still have a huge soft spot for it, but it pains me because I can’t really produce it without feeling weird about it.

This was also apparently the period where I was dotting my i’s with circles.