
I put one of those triangular rubber grippy things on my stylus. (Like the ones from elementary school which are supposed to help you hold a pencil correctly.)  Oh my god it’s so much more comfortable.

The tip of my thumb has been going numb off and on for the last week, hopefully this will help. ^_^;;



My hands have always been a bit shaky, but lately I’ve noticed that even with the stylus held completely still, I get cursor jitters. So, since I pride myself on my nice lines, I decided to find something to fix that.

LazyNezumi is a noise/interference reduction and smoothing tool that works with most Wacom tablets, and can be bound to nearly all drawing software. It doesn’t stop the jitters, but it predicts the amount of noise behind them and smooths your lines to match. I’ve tested it here in Photoshop CS6, and it works frigging wonders.

If you have this problem, I suggest you go download it. It’s simple and elegant as heck, and it makes your lines as smooth as buttered silk.

EDIT: I’ve noticed a heck of a lot of Mac users reblogging this with concerns about its lack of support for your OS. See added image for advice.


Yesterday on reddit, there was a question in AskReddit about “What would $1000 mean to you?"  A lot of the answers were "pay down some debt,” “x months of rent,” and the like.  For me, when I gave it some thought, it’s either 4 months of rent, or something really cool for my business.  Probably a bitchin’ new computer, or maybe even a Cintiq.

So then I went on Wacom’s website to drool over Cintiqs and I watched this product video.  Dammit, this is like porn.  I’m actually drooling a little.