

Why do you do this to me


There’s a reason behind color zones, but James Gurney does a much better job at explaining it than I do. Keep in mind this doesn’t cover lighting, just the local color of skin.

Although there are ‘color palettes’ here, I really wouldn’t recommend using them for your own (as in saving the image and eye dropping them) art, I did this rather quickly so this probably not very accurate. These are just my personal preferences when it comes to color. I don’t have saved palettes; I pick colors depending on the lighting or mood as I am working on a painting. BUT IF YOU WANT TO GO RIGHT AHEAD.

As for texture, lolidunno, I just use a lot of scatter brushes until it sort of looks like skin texture??? I honestly don’t worry about texture though unless it’s like a really close up view of a face or whatever. You can find my brushes here (you’ll need Photoshop CS or higher).

I am flattered that people are seeking advice from me, but keep in mind that I am still learning myself, so I am by no means the best person to be asking. Hope this helps you out though, anon!