


Natural sculptures by Andy Goldsworth

“Andy Goldsworthy is an extraordinary, innovative British artist whose collaborations with nature produce uniquely personal and intense artworks. Using a seemingly endless range of natural materials—snow, ice, leaves, bark, rock, clay, stones, feathers petals, twigs—he creates outdoor sculpture that manifests, however fleeting, a sympathetic contact with the natural world. Before they disappear, or as they disappear, Goldsworthy, records his work in superb colour photographs.”

There is a documentary on him and his art on youtube! It’s called Rivers and Tides and it is fucking amazing and incredibly inspiring everyone should see it.




The Carved Book Landscapes of Guy Laramée

The human spirit transcends the known through the work of Guy Laramée the Montreal based artist who pushes the materiality of the common book to the limit. Continuing the lines drawn by Caspar Friedrich and Gerhard Richter, Laramée admits to his attraction to spirituality. He combines the old philosophies of Asian arts and Zen and draws energy from Romanticism. Yatzer caught up with the artist to discover his approaches to his practice
and discussed human primitiveness, sand-blasting and artistic freedom…

So dope



Incredible Bird Feather Sculptures By

Kate MccGwire

Widely-renowned British artist Kate MccGwire uses an unusual medium – hundreds and hundreds of bird feathers – to create her unique sculptures. By meticulously layering the feathers side by side, she creates swirling, tactile and snake-like compositions that look disturbingly alien.

MccGwire was surrounded by nature since her early childhood, connecting her to natural forces and animals throughout her life, which even now impacts her creative choices.






Scrap Metal Dragons by Recyclart

Dragons cunningly pretending to be statues to fool humans…

I bet they stick their tongues out at people when no one is looking

And move around sometimes to freak out the security guards at the gallery…