
[Image: A color illustration of Hannah, redheaded and lanky, sitting with her knees to her chest and ankles crossed; Sami, brown-skinned and petite in oversized clothing, sitting cross-legged; and Andrea, chubby and auburn-haired, sitting  with her leg curled underneath her.  They look towards the viewer looking slightly uncertain.]

SAH Sitting by *alex-heberling

Sami, Hannah, and Andy are the first three girls we’re going to meet in The Hues.

I will inevitably get things like “Burger King Kids’ Club” shouted at me for my character designs for this comic, but IDGAF.  I hope that every girl will be able to see some part of themselves in my comic. :x


[Image description: A pencil drawing of Sami, a medium-skinned girl with black hair in a ponytail, wearing lace fingerless gloves and a slip.  She is leaning on a vague wall with her hand and is halfway turned away from the viewer.]

I drew Sami again at work last night.

GUYS GUYS I have the first issue outlined. XDDDDD


[Image description: A pencil drawing of Sami as Hue Spectrum, who wears a black and white costume with bracers, tall boots, and a skirted leotard-ish thing.]

Here’s this thing I drew today on my lunch break! The new Sami in the old school Hue Spectrum uniform. I haven’t yet decided in what capacity the uniforms will be in the new version of the Hues. I’ve got ideas for variations on the basic costume that differ from girl to girl.

Sami is from my upcoming comic series, The Hues.


[Image description: An illustration of Samhita, an Indian-American teenager sitting with her knees bent towards her chest and her hands resting on her ankles.  She’s wearing a baggy grey hooded sweatshirt, rolled-up jeans, and heavy black boots.]

Pressure sensitivity restored! Huzzah!  And this is officially the very first, completely finished piece of Hues concept art.

I haven’t done a piece in my signature style in a VERY long time.  It feels good!  I’m not even at the place where I can decide what style I’m going to be using for the comic pages, but I may just throw caution to the wind again and do everything in this style like I did with Garanos.  If you haven’t read Garanos, you should follow this finely crafted link and read my epic fantasy comic: http://www.garanos.com



[Image description: A pencil drawing of Samhita, an Indian-American teenager sitting with her knees bent towards her chest and her hands resting on her ankles.  She’s wearing a baggy hooded sweatshirt, rolled-up jeans, and heavy boots.]

A picture of Sami I drew on Friday while I was out working at the coffee shop!  I’m going to work on a colored version tonight while I think up ideas for tomorrow’s Alex’s Guide.

I based the pose off this stock image by SenshiStock.  I find it useful to just browse through her gallery and find something to inspire a drawing.