

YU+ME omnibus edition kickstarter: less than 2 days to go

It’s the home stretch of the kickstarter for YU+ME. When it gets down to this point, they start counting down in number of hours left, because they want me to have an actual heart attack, I guess.

Anyway, you have until 8am EST August 28th to back the kickstarter and get the cool goodies that come with it. Right now, there’s about 65 pages of content that isn’t found on the web. If we hit $50k, there will be about 90 pages of book-exclusive content. These exclusive pages can be found in the paperbacks and the PDF, so if you can’t get the physical books, you can still read the new chapter(s?) if you choose the Electric Sheep tier.

After the KS is over, it’ll take a few months to draw the new chapter(s?), put the finishing touches on it, send it to the printer, get it back from the printer, and package it all up to send out. Once I’ve attended to all the backer rewards, then I’ll put the remaining books up for sale on my website. So if you want the books sooner, at a lower cost, and (if you’re an American) with free shipping, the kickstarter is your chance to get that.

I’m so excited to see how this ends. It’s like an action movie. My heart is racing!

Get the books today and help make the new comics happen!

Everyone back this Kickstarter too! <3 <3



The Facets of Rosalarian

I got an article written about me in my hometown. You don’t even know how big of a deal this is for me. Despite having a lot of success on the internet, locally I’m only just starting to get attention. People recognize me more for being a cheesemonger than an artist. So this is really cool and also I talk a lot about art and answer questions nobody ever asks me.

That’s a great article!  Congrats, Megan. :D