


Feminism is having a wardrobe malfunction.

Does your brand of feminism remove barriers for women, or simply move them around? Does is expand options for women, or does it just shift them? You don’t liberate women by forcing them to choose option B instead of option A. What is comfortable for you might not be comfortable for someone else, and it’s entirely possible that what you see as oppressive, other women find comfortable or even downright liberating.

Before you think the girl in the middle is a strawman, let me tell you I used to be her, back in my misguided youth. I considered myself the standard to which other people should adhere. But that was stupid. It’s not up to me to tell people how to dress, and it’s much nicer to let everyone choose for themselves.

Some women would feel naked without a veil. Some women would find it restrictive. Some women would feel restricted by a bra. Some women would feel naked without one. Some women would feel restricted by a tight corset. Others love them. Some wear lots of clothes with a corset. Some only wear the corset and nothing else. What makes any article of clothing oppressive is someone forcing you to wear it. And it’s just as oppressive to force someone not to wear something that they want to wear.

Rerun for International Women’s Day. 

And also, if you erase the fact that this comic is in support of sex workers and turn this into a toned down “free the nipple” thing, you don’t get to have the whole pie. You don’t get the whole pie until everybody does.



This has been a week. Long, stupid story short, my car is smashed and I’m selling my house because of reasons. Right now, I still have about 50 boxes of books and shirts in my house’s basement, and nowhere to put them, so I might as well move them to your houses. Stuff is all ridiculously reduced so I can get it outta here. This means I’m having the biggest sale I’ve ever done.

YU+ME dream was $75 a set, now it’s $35, more than half off.
Meaty Yogurt was $20, now $10.
Darlin’ It’s Betta was $20-$25, now $15
Shirts were $18, now $10-$12.

I’m not reordering any of this stuff, so once it’s gone, it’s gone. I hope to get it sold, fix my car, and empty my house out by end of September. So if you’re thinking Christmas presents, think now.



I’m gonna be screenprinting a couple shirts that I’ve had a lot of requests for and finally decided to actually do. But it’s a bit of an undertaking to make shirts, so I’m going preorders for both of them. I just need 60 people to get them in order for it to be worth printing, so I’m gonna try using Celery to do this. Like a kickstarter campaign, you won’t be charged until the project is a go. If you preorder, you’ll save $2 and you’ll be sure that the size you want is available (sizes S-2XL).

Preorder the “Makeup and Pizza” shirt here.

Preorder the “Whole Pie” shirt here.