
Age: 26
Where I’m from: Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, currently in Columbus, Ohio.
Where I would like to live: I like where I live at the moment. I would love to visit the NW United States someday. I also would like to spend some time abroad.
Favourite food: Spaghetti.
Religion: Agnostic
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Single/taken: Taken.
Favourite book: Harry Potter
Favourite movie: When Harry Met Sally
Favourite TV show: The Office
Favourite colour: Purple
If I have any pets: Not currently. Unless you count my boyfriend?
What I’m listening to right now: YouTube watch later list. Currently it’s on a Let’s Play video of Minecraft.
What’s my ringtone: My phone is ALWAYS ON VIBRATE. #ohhhhmyyyy
What my name means: First: defender of mankind, second: of the sea, last: oat farmer/merchant. I am an OATMEAL MERMAID WARRIOR. This is also why my name on twitter is Alexandra Oatsmith, because that would have been an awesome pseudonym.
Favourite superhero: I’ve never really been into superheroes that much! Um……. Spider-man?
Celebrity crush: Chris Hemsworth