

Update! In which characters pull grumpy faces.

Back from hiatus finally, after a lot of hustling, which is good since this is just in time for Red Moon Rising’s five year anniversary holyy craaap I feel old.

mfw I realised last week I was about to run an ugly big hiatus right through RMR’s fifth birthday

Anyway, cheers to anyone who’s been reading along for the last 330 pages, to new readers and old alike! You guys are the best!

I remember when your webcomic was just a ploy to get some baconnaise and now it’s all grown up! Sniff sniff.



It’s been long enough since I posted on tumblr that the interface has changed. I feel like a 90 year old woman shouting into an upside-down telephone. IS THIS THING ON

Anyway, I completely neglected to trumpet the fact that at 305 pages, Red Moon Rising’s first story arc, Waterlogged, has come to an end. It feels a bit unreal to be able to say that! And now I’m furtively working away on the new arc which will kick off on March 25th.

The biggest change is probably going to be artistic. I liked the art as it was, but I feel like I was swimming against the tide in terms of style. My natural inclination is towards painting things with weird colours and strong values, so the whole pencilling-inking-colouring comic book style I was forcing myself into was beginning to utterly do my head in. Most of my favourite artists are fantastic lineart specialists but it’s taken me like 4 years to realise that it’s just not for me.

So I’ll probably be spewing a lot of art tests over here while I try and find my feet again. Tally ho~

Congrats, Rose!