
[Image description: A hand-painted sign with a lifesaver flotation ring in the upper right corner that reads “We don’t Skinny dip… We chunky dunk”]


[Image description: An animated GIF from the film Citizen Kane of Kane applauding intensely.]



Be sure to register and check out the Body Love Revolutionaries Telesummit that starts on January 31st with Marilyn Wann, Peggy Howell and me talking about activism. It is going to be amazing. For more information about the summit, how to register and about all of the speakers go to http://www.bodyloverevolution.com/

Also check out the facebook event page.

Here is the complete schedule!

Activism — Tuesday, January 31st at 8PM EST with Peggy Howell (NAAFA),  Amanda Levitt (Love Your Body Detroit), Marilyn Wann (Fat!So?)

Health — Thursday, February 2nd at 7PM EST with Linda Bacon (Health At Every Size book), Ragen Chastain (Dances With Fat)

Fatshion — Tuesday, February 7th at 8PM EST with Marie Denee (Curvy Fashionista) , Rachel Kacenjar (Cupcake & Cuddlebunny), Yuliya Raquel (Igigi)

Sex — Thursday, February 9th at 8PM EST with Hanne Blank (Big, Big Love), Virgie Tovar (Guide To Fat Girl Living)

Blogging —Thursday, February 16th at 8PM EST with Marianne Kirby (Lessons From The Fatosphere), Margitte Leah Kristjansson (Fat Body (In)Visible), and Brian Stuart (Red No. 3 Blog)

Fitness — Tuesday, February 21st at 8PM EST with Jeanette DePatie (The Fat Chick Works Out), Anna Guest-Jelley (Curvy Yoga)

Fatness/Queerness — Thursday, February 23rd at 3PM Eastern with Bevin Branlandingham (Queer Fat Femme), Charlotte Cooper (Obesity Timebomb), Jessica Jarchow (Tangled Up In Lace)

Politics/History — Tuesday February 28th at 8PM Eastern with Paul Campos (Obesity Myth), Amy Erdman Farrell (Fat Shame)

I signed up!  YOU SHOULD TOO!


UGGGH this was so me in college.  Just replace “midterm project” with “art history paper."  Doing projects for my art classes was no big deal, but those GECs brought out the domestic goddess in me like no other.

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