
[Images: Animated GIFs of a Corgi hopping about happily by his food dish.]



This is how I feel about breakfast right now.

This is how I feel about getting a cold beverage right now.

My roommates are going to be getting a Corgi puppy just before I move out and I imagine this is what every day will be like.


[Image: A graphic of sequential photos of how to make a center-pull ball of yarn by winding it around a knitting needle. Text reads: “How to Wind a Center-Pull Ball of Yarn by Hand”]





(via One Trick to Turn Any Yarn Into a Center-Pull Ball | Lion Brand Notebook)

This should get all the reblogs… and maybe even tattoo it somewhere on me! :P

Oooh, helpful! Here’s the method I used before I got my grubby mitts on a ball winder.

This is a basically good method, but I really recommend using something much thicker than a knitting needle.  It makes the yarn come out more smoothly and with less tangling.  I used a paper towel tube with a notch at the top (for putting the tail end so it would disappear.



[Image: Animated GIF of Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time, tangled in bedsheets and hanging off the edge of a futon, looking around blearily and drooling before faceplanting down again.]

This is exactly how I look and feel when I get home after a con.  LSP, you are my spirit animal.


[Image: A panel from the graphic novel “Watchmen,” in which Dr. Manhattan sits alone on a rock on the surface of Mars, looking up towards the stars. White text reads “I can’t go to Comic-Con.”]


Animated GIF of the Nostalgia Critic bowing his head sadly.

Fat is Officially Incurable According to Science

Fat is Officially Incurable According to Science


[Images: Two photos of a chubby woman of color wearing a belted black-and-white-striped dress with black leggings and shoes.]


Circus Pleats. [Outfit Details] [Youtube]

I’m seeing all these big bold vertical stripe shirts and dresses and I really want one.  I’m thinking blue/white, pink/white, or yellow/white.

I really kinda want to look like those iconic striped beach tents that I think you’re supposed to change in.