(via fuckyeahteatime)
I want a teapot wall.
There are a whole bunch of of people in an uproar because Glee stole a musician’s cover of … what? Baby Got Back or something of the sort?
And I’ve seen posts from people saying “this is the last straw”, “I’m not watching anymore”, “they’ve gone too far”.
But where were you all through all the bullying by Sue? Through the repeated misogyny, the fatphobia… the transphobia?
I’m not denying it was a shit move to “steal” someone’s music without credit. But it’s certainly not the most problematic or shitty thing that Glee and those involved have done.
This show is repeatedly oppressive to its minority characters (be they poc, or queer, or trans or fat or what have you)- with little or no recrimination or consequence to the oppressors.
Where was all of your outrage then?
Age: 26
Where I’m from: Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, currently in Columbus, Ohio.
Where I would like to live: I like where I live at the moment. I would love to visit the NW United States someday. I also would like to spend some time abroad.
Favourite food: Spaghetti.
Religion: Agnostic
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Single/taken: Taken.
Favourite book: Harry Potter
Favourite movie: When Harry Met Sally
Favourite TV show: The Office
Favourite colour: Purple
If I have any pets: Not currently. Unless you count my boyfriend?
What I’m listening to right now: YouTube watch later list. Currently it’s on a Let’s Play video of Minecraft.
What’s my ringtone: My phone is ALWAYS ON VIBRATE. #ohhhhmyyyy
What my name means: First: defender of mankind, second: of the sea, last: oat farmer/merchant. I am an OATMEAL MERMAID WARRIOR. This is also why my name on twitter is Alexandra Oatsmith, because that would have been an awesome pseudonym.
Favourite superhero: I’ve never really been into superheroes that much! Um……. Spider-man?
Celebrity crush: Chris Hemsworth
Oh yikes, I put a date out there! Am I ever going to be ready? NOPE, GONNA JUST DO IT ANYWAY. Updating Wednesdays.
Keep an eye on the tumblr for updates, and I’ll have a real website soon and stuff. Eek!
(Also go look at this great tutorial I was playing with when I sketched this one)
The only way I’ll ever do anything is with a deadline someone else (who doesn’t love me unconditionally) is aware of, so now The Internet can hold me accountable. I’ma go have a panic-barf and get back to work.
Look at Larry Birds tiny ass shorts.
Just look at them.
That is some sassy Larry Bird Backside™.
Sailor Failures: Ok, what do you think their transformations would feel like?
Ok, what do you think their transformations would feel like?
I subscribe to the theory that their transformations only take a few seconds, and what we see is only for show, so…
You know when you see something so cool and awesome and awe-inspiring it gives you chills? That’s what Mercury’s would…
I think Mercury’s feels kinda like carbonation, like when you drink a really cold soda.
Venus’s feels
like an orgasmlike when the curtain goes up in front of a huge crowd.But probably more like an orgasm.Like Saturn’s, I think Pluto’s probably isn’t too pleasant either. I think of it as being like the last second of holding your breath when you’re swimming to the surface and you’re not sure you’re going to make it and then that rush of adrenaline when you finally break the surface and can breathe again.
That’s exactly what I was thinking of for Pluto as well! Like you’ve been holding your breath for awhile and just as the transformation finishes, you exhale and start breathing again.
1874, 19 year old Addy Walker attends college at Howard University
Who else here can blame their love of historical costume on American Girl dolls?
Addy was my introduction to the American Girls Collection.
Female Body Type Image Gallery
It is literally a plethora of pictures of different body types for girls and you can search by a variety of different factors until you find your art subjects’ exact body type.
It is literally one of the single most helpful resources on body types I’ve ever found [although I’m disappointed males aren’t included as well] especially since A WHOLE LOT of my characters have body types that aren’t usually represented in body type charts.
[Image: A man reading a bird guidebook while a barn owl perches on the top of his chair, peering at the book sideways.]
[Images: Two screencaps of Queen Nehelenia from Sailor Moon. In one, she is standing in front of her mirror, and in the second, she is walking across a bridge/platform away from it.]
Queen Nehelenia = sexiest SM villian.