


And after all these weeks waiting, planning and hoping, I’m more than happy to introduce… the Pride Flag collection! 

Show your pride boldly with a hoodie that definitely won’t stay in the closet! ;)

For those who just can’t wait anymore, here is where you can buy them: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/Simakaihoodies?section_id=23881519

Here is a little more story for people interested! Yes, all my models are what they’re showing. It was important for me to represent not only the flag, but the varied people who want to show their pride. :) They’re also friends from various groups, and one is my cousin! I don’t often have an occasion to include my family in these projects, so I’m glad I could this time! Also I want to give a big, special thanks to Bahamut Night Photography for snapping us so perfectly!

For every hoodie sold, I will give 2$ to Fondation Émergence! They’re the founders of the International Day against homophobia and transphobia (May 17th) and are very active locally. I may also give more to Amnesty International or All Out when they need to answer some urgent situation around the world. I want these hoodies to do some good, and not just be a cool piece of clothing.

I will try to make more flags to add to this collection ASAP! So far on the list is Aromantic, Poly-sexual and Demi-ace. Don’t hesitate to ask me for a new flag, if I get asked a few times I will add it to the shop, and if it’s very rare/unique, I can make it as a custom order. ;)

Bonus: they are made to order so you can order whatever size you need!!