

Reasons why the “Portal and feminism” conversation is important

  1. Feminism is important
  2. Especially in notoriously sexist places like the gaming community
  3. As both feminist games and games that are popular and well-recognized, the Portal series is a step towards equality for female characters and female gamers


My Chell NECA action figure came today!  It’s super cool.  Amazon said there were only two left in stock when I ordered so I’m super pumped I got one.  She’s my birthday present to myself. ^_^

In a happy coincidence, the Wheatley keychain my friend got me for Christmas is approximately to scale!



So, I read Blue Sky awhile ago and I felt bad because I love this fandom but don’t really feel confident enough to contribute.  BUT!  Then Halloween came, and I was able to dress up my husband (that’s right ladies, this guy is taken) as Blue Sky!Wheatley.  I honestly think that he looks a LOT like Smerch, though not as tall and certainly not as awkward.  I had tons of fun getting him to make different faces.  I hope that you enjoy these as much as I did!

[muffled sobs]

Blue Sky vs. Tenacity



So I stayed up…. pretty much all night to finish reading Blue Sky, and I tried to go to sleep, but with the light coming through my windows and my mind still reeling from how good it was, I want to blabber about it instead.

BLUE SKY WAS AMAZING.  I loved it.  But now I am torn between ships!

Tenacity is a fan comic by Raintalker on DA, and I had placed myself squarely in the ChellxRattmann camp after I started reading it.  UP TILL NOW.

I’m not good at this whole shipping business. WHAT DO.

The solution to your dilemma is simple – ship all the ships! You can still roll around in ridiculous Blue Sky Chelley feels and indulge in Chellman and RattDos or whatever you like :D (I like a bit of FactVenture meself ;-) It’s aaaaaaaaallll good :3 

I know!  My affection for ChellMann was just a little shaken up at how well Chelley was written in Blue Sky. :3  Tenacity and Blue Sky are really quite different, so I like them for different reasons. And now I really really want Raintalker to post some new pages so I can wallow some more. XD