
The Pomodoro Technique is feeding right into my workaholic tendencies.  If I keep one-upping my tomatoes every day, soon I will not be sleeping at all.

I think 18 is probably going to be my record for awhile.


I heard about the Pomodoro Technique a couple months ago from folks here on Tumblr, but I hadn’t actually tried it until this afternoon.  MyTomatoes.com is really easy to use and keeps track of your work, and I’ve churned through Monday’s Hues page like nothing.

Jesus, if I’d started using this months ago, I’d have a book finished. O_O




Has anyone else been using the Pomodoro Technique to stop procrastinating?  It’s been working really well for me and a lot of other people I know.

About Pomodoro: http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/download/pdf/ThePomodoroTechnique_v1-3.pdf

Online Pomodoro Timer: http://tomatoi.st/

Now if only someone would make a site or app that gives you a Pokemon or something every time you complete 25 minutes of uninterrupted work.  That would really help.  I work best with rewards, even if it’s just a little pixel art badge that says “Congrats! You have an attention span of a goldfish!”

A scoreboard, points, anything.  Help me, internet.

Pomodoro is the only way I get anything done. That and StayFocusd. Otherwise the internet is too distracting, but I can’t turn it off completely.

I am fascinated…