
Finally home after going for 12 straight hours today.  Went to church with Chris, did lunch, did the health and fitness expo, did a housewarming party, then did Second Church. (Much like second breakfast, except it’s church and not breakfast.)

Did some schmoozing, and now I’m verrrrrrrrry tired.

Tomorrow, it’s back to business.  We’re going to get this thing funded this week.  I can feel it. Game faces, everyone. :)


I was visited by the Bacon Fairies here at Ba-Con, and they gave me a turkey-bacon-embedded pancake on a stick, which prompted me to remember my ultimate party idea:

Party on a Stick.

The idea would be that all the party food would have to be on a stick, or eaten with a stick. (Toothpicks permitted.)  Corn dogs, cake pops, rumaki, kabobs, anything; as long as a stick is involved, it’s allllll good.

Then I had an even better idea to expand the Party on a Stick–

Wedding on a Stick.

The bridal party on stilts.

That is all.


Today, I…

Started my new job at a screen printing company.

Went out to dinner with Chris and had Chinese food.

Took a walk in the park on the way back to Chris’ house.

Watched some more Buffy and Angel.

Got to snuggle with Chris some more before I went home.

This has been one of the best day’s I’ve had in a long time.

I built this PC on Rock and Roooooooolllll

I built a new computer today!  Thanks to scrimping and saving and wonderful donations from my wonderful fans and Ohayocon sales and now birthday money, I was finally able to actually buy the damn thing.  I spent Saturday picking out parts on PCPartPicker.com, which is an amazing tool I found via r/buildapc on Reddit.  I had my friend Wyatt (who is my go-to tech expert friend) look at my parts list to get the Wyatt Seal of Approval, and I decided to go to Microcenter yesterday, since it was my birthday!

All in all, I think the actual building part was pretty painless.  Apart from the nerve-wracking feeling of “OH MY GOD I’VE TOTALLY FRIED MY POOR PROCESSOR/MOTHERBOARD/EVERYTHING IMPORTANT WITH STATIC DISCHARGE, I JUST KNOW IT” in the back of my brain at all times.  (I had a grounding bracelet, no worries, but it’s still scary!)

When I finally got all the parts in place, the moment of truth was upon me– it was time to press the power button.

Aaaand the motherboard would beep and light up briefly before everything turned off again.  Luckily, my roommate was able to help me troubleshoot, and the only thing that was wrong was a connector from the power supply to the motherboard that I had missed.  Yay!

After that, it was pretty much just hours and hours of installing programs and getting my old files ready to transfer over.  I do need to get a different exhaust fan for the chassis, but other than that, my new computer is pretty much ready to use.

In theory, I’d like to paint something on the chassis and make it look totally awesome, but I’d have to disassemble the whole computer to do so, so I’m not sure. ^_^;;  The two side panels are removable, though, so I could still decorate those pretty easily.

All in all, I think it’s really cool to build a custom computer, and I’d recommend it to anyone who’s curious about doing so, even if they don’t know what the heck they’re doing!  I certainly didn’t, and my experience was pretty good. :D

I’m bad at fandom

It’s probably telling that the last major fandom I was involved in was Sailor Moon in the late 90s and early 00s.  I’m the kind of fan that can passionately care about a title/series/etc, and I can watch on my own for years and years and be happy, but the moment I dip my toe into a community I discover… people.

For example, The Office.  I binged on the first three (American) seasons on Netflix, then at the time, the 4th seasons was still airing on TV.  I think I discovered fan blogs for the show around season 5, and I excitedly checked comments on the newest episode to find that I absolutely cannot stand any of the people on the internet.

“This was the WORST EPISODE EVER.”

“…has totally jumped the shark.’

"This episode needed more _____.”

“This storyline needs to go.”

And I’m like… really? Worst episode ever?  You don’t even know what the overarching plot lines of the season will be and how they connect and GH,0EA,;‘IKGWPAGK:EWAGJLE.

My kneejerk reaction is that everyone just needs to calm the fuck down.  And maybe it’s just something unique to fans of The Office and other non-geeky ilk?  Since TO is pretty planted in the mainstream?  I don’t really think so.  People are the same pretty much everywhere you go.

I guess being somewhat introverted, I’m even more of an introverted fan.  Unfortunately, other folks can damper my enjoyment of a work with their opinions and such.  I’ll just be over here in my corner, enjoying my fandoms on my own, kay?