


Fight me on this


Michiru did not generally drive. She was certainly capable of such, which she was quick to remind anyone who seemed to think her reticence was born out a lack of ability, but between her family’s driver and Haruka, there rarely seemed to be an occasion where it proved necessary.

But on this day, seemed tailor-made for her suffering, she was driving a small station wagon (She shuddered at the mere thought) back toward Tokyo, fresh from a long day of training. Rei sat next to her in front, chatting about the work they’d done, and what still needed doing, as three blondes slept in the back, Haruka’s head tilted her back, her mouth open wide, Mina drooling gracelessly on Haruka’s shoulder, and Usagi’s forehead buried into Mina.

It was almost a success, and almost safe, when a bump in the road woke Usagi from her mythical princess’ slumber.

She pressed her nose to the window, looking on ahead. “McDonald’s!! Michiru!!” She shoved her head forward between Rei and Michiru, knocking Rei’s arm off the rest and waking Minako. “Can we stop?? Let’s get cheeseburgers! Oh and some chicken nuggets!”

“Oh man, I could totally go for McDonald’s. Michiru,” Mina tapped her on the shoulder, ignoring the immediate look of disgust, “C’mon, let’s get dinner.”

“No, I believe I would rather not.” Michiru barely noted the request, longing for the light to turn.

Usagi made her eyes wide as dinnerplates. “PLEEEEASSSEEEEE MICHIRUUUUUU”

Mina elbowed Haruka. “Hey, homo, wake up and seduce your wife into stopping at McDonald’s.”

Haruka mumbled and blinked her eyes awake. “What?”

“Do you want to go to McDonald’s?”

Her eyes popped fully open. “Yes! God I want chicken nuggets right now. Like a 20 piece.”

Mina nodded. “Okay, talk to Squidward and Sons up here.”

“Babe, let’s stop at McDonald’s!” Haruka’s voice joined in Usagi’s plea.

“You scarcely need it, my love.”

Usagi but her arms around the seat in front of her, hugging Rei as close as she could. “Rei!!!! Let’s stop! It’ll be so good!!!”

Rei did not look back at her, just crossed her arms. “Usagi, we have plenty of food at home.”

“But it’s not thiiiiiss food!”

Haruka had not given up, Michiru’s will be damned. “Babe, then you won’t have to cook,” at this Michiru gave a dark laugh, “and I’ll just be fed and everything will be super easy, and we had a long day, and–”


“Anyway, I had a salad last week, I’m eating super healthy and–”

“Kaioh, quit being a killjoy.” Mina interrupted.

“Reeeeiiiiiiiiiiiii,” Usagi bounced up and down, “McDonald’s, McDonald’s, McDonald’s”

“Besides, protein is really important after a workout–”

“As your commander, I demand you stop–”

“McDonald’s, McDonald’s, McDonald’s–”

“And potatoes are really a good source of vitamin C or potassium or something–”


“McDonald’s, McDonald’s, McDonald’s–”

Michiru wordlessly turned into the McDonald’s drive thru line, and a collective cheer went up from the backseat, as the three discussed what they were going to order, each meal more

horrifying than the last. Haruka helpfully leaned forward and explained to Michiru just how many double cheeseburgers she wanted, when a request for the order came from the small speaker.

“Two small black coffees, that will be all, thank you.” She rolled up the window and went to the checkstand, quickly removing the money from her purse.

“Haha, Michiru,” Haruka dryly expressed, “very funny.”

Michiru handed one of the coffees to Rei. “Here you are, Rei,” she set the other next to her, “and one for me.” She slipped the cash into the young girl’s hand, and did not wait for her change or receipt, driving away toward the center of the city.

A loud wail erupted from the backseat, but Michiru merely shrugged, as if she had no control over the situation at all.

Rei began to scribble down notes.

something great that happened to me this week: me and my girlfriend talked about the possibility of a ritualistic exchange of jewellery and oaths for the first time, and it is a strong contender for the most lovely and gay conversation I’ve ever had



I love everything about this but I have to say that “A ritualistic exchange of jewelry and oaths” made me laugh so hard because I just imagine that’s how Rei avoids saying she has deigned to MARRY

“So, Mina and i have decided to
participate in a ritualistic exchange of jewelry and oaths.” 

Michiru just looks at her, “Do you mean to suggest you are getting married, or forming a coven, or am I meant to simply enjoy the ambiguity of the situation?”


“Rei, you don’t have any call to explain yourself to me, I know how little you care for such socially-enforced frippery, that’s why I’ve declined to offer the use of my family’s yacht and seaside cottage.” She looks over her cup of tea. “I know it would practically be an insult to your beliefs.” 

Rei frowns. “I mean, I didn’t say–I think using the resources of the wealthy–Michiru, that ‘cottage’ has 8 bedrooms and a billiard room” 


“Really it’s only right that we use the resources of the bourgeois to provide entertainment for the underclasses.” 

“Yes, very revolutionary. I believe we have napkins in several colors, as well, for the place settings of the proletariat.” 

I found this looking for something else and laughed so hard at my own joke I’m a nerd


Part Two of Alex’s First Cel, a bonus douga that Kori gave me as well!  A partial drawing of Michiru’s face from episode 170, “The Fateful Night! The Agony of the Sailor Senshi.”

My super sleuthing led me to believe this was an Ando drawing, and I was correct!  170 was Ando’s final episode, and also the only episode from Stars that he art directed.  Kinda cool to have something from it!  Ando gets a lot of flak from some corners, but I don’t really mind his style.


Ahaaaaaaaaa this is the frame that my mystery douga is for! From the way the profile is drawn I SUSPECTED it was an Ando episode, and I was right. It’s also his final episode, and only episode in Stars, 170. This
frame is from the beginning of the very excellent scene with Mars and
Neptune lost in the mirror forest place.

I kind of love that I got a Haruka and Michiru two-fer, even though they’re from WAY different and random episodes! I will find some way to frame them side by side, so Michiru can smile enigmatically at Haruka forever.