


A little Patreon support goes a long way! Not only making it possible for me to do the job I love full-time, it keeps the comics coming & lets me keep creating loads of new stories! 

We hit the first goal, woo! Next up, Pathways updates twice a week! If we hit this goal before the end of August, a monthly chibi will be added for all patrons! And if we can reach it before then, each month patrons will get to vote on who I draw!

Boosts much appreciated! ^_^

** https://www.patreon.com/TriaElf9 **

Nearing the end of the month, and we’ve passed $600! WOO! That puts us in a good place to make the $700 end of August goal and get you all that monthly chibi! ^_^ 

If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting, even a dollar goes a long way! If you’re unable to support, boosting is a way to help as well ^_^

Thank you!

your coloring is amazing. *galaxy brain*




Our latest Kickstarter has LAUNCHED! “As The Crow Flies” by Melanie Gillman is now on Kickstarter!

Camp Three Peaks is a rustic, Christian summer retreat for teenage girls! A week of hiking, adventure, and communing with the God of its 19th-century founders… a God that doesn’t traditionally number people like 13-year-old Charlie Lamonte among His (Her? Their? Its?) flock.

The only black camper in the group, and queer besides, she struggles to reconcile the innocent intent of the trip with the blinkered obliviousness of those determined to keep the Three Peaks tradition going. As the journey wears on and the rhetoric wears thin, Charlie can’t help but poke holes in the pious disregard this storied sanctuary has for outsiders like herself—and her fellow camper, Sydney.

AtCF creator Melanie Gillman is Eisner, Slate Cartoonist Studio Prize and Autostraddle Award-nominated, and can be found on tumblr at @pigeonbits. Please support them and Iron Circus by backing the project, reblogging this post, and spreading the work about their work! We have 30 days to make goal, and a long way to go!

Thanks, everybody!

*shakes pom poms*

Let me just say. If I ever need rsi treatment for my hands I am definitely asking Mx. Gillman who they got on call, because HOLY SHIT your colored pencil skills amaze me, and ATCF is amazing too.