I’ve Been Putting a Hand-Drawn Picture of a Cat in My Company’s Suggestion Box Every Day for Two Months


I think I can go ahead and call this another entry in the “Long Cons That Didn’t Pay Off” file.

A few months ago, I put this post it note on my office computer.

Whenever anyone asked about it I’d say “Don’t worry about it” or “It’s personal” or “Oh, that’s right, cats, I almost forgot, thank you.”

Then I’d draw a picture of a cat, write a date on it


and place it in our office’s Suggestion Box. I did this every single day I was in the office. Here are some of the cats I made.


It’s important to have fun with your hobbies, so I made sure I varied my style and even embraced some weird impulses.


Hey, look at this cool fella!


Uh huh. I think I was sad that day.

I did this because I (and you) deserve to have as much fun as I (and you!) want, and because long cons lead to some of my favorite jokes. The ultimate end goal of this long con was an email. I was going to put a picture of a cat in our suggestion box every single day until some frustrated administrative employee of the company sent out a company-wide email that said “Whoever keeps putting pictures of cats in the suggestion box, PLEASE STOP.” I wanted that for two major reasons, but first hey do you want to see this cat I made?


That. Cat. Fucks.

Anyway, reason number one was Magic. There are about 400 people in this office (Cracked is owned by a larger media company). Those people come to work and go about their day, and one day they’d see an email about a very dedicated, insane, mystery person who has evidently been filling the suggestion box with dozens of hand-drawn cat pictures, one every single day. That email (the “Please stop putting pictures of cats in the suggestion box; this is a business” email), would serve as a reminder; life is weird and funny and stupid and sometimes stuff like this happens, and isn’t that wacky and fun? You live in a world where some goofball could get bored and draw forty cats with seemingly no end game or motive. Isn’t the world a wacky and fun place to live? Look at this fat piece of shit.


Reason number two was just make Soren and my other immediate coworkers laugh. The joke would be simple. We all get an email that says “Whoever keeps putting pictures of cats in the suggestion box, PLEASE STOP.” And then I would nervously crumble up the post-it note that says “CATS” and reassure the rest of the team that it probably isn’t worth looking into, and I wouldn’t draw any connections between that email and my behavior over the last two months. Then all of my coworkers would see what I’ve been up to and marvel at my dedication to the joke, because we’re all good joke-makers here, and Game respects Game.


But that email never came. I’ve been drawing pictures of cats since June, since fucking June, you guys, here’s another cat.


No one’s said anything. No one’s said a god damned word. And I know what you’re thinking: “The suggestion box is obviously just for show, they have it to placate the employees, no one ever checks it, and now it’s full of cats.” But you’re wrong. Dead wrong. I can see into the box, I KNOW someone has been emptying it. We even had an all-hands meeting where our CEO addressed the suggestion box specifically to call out the most popular suggestion (it was something about not pictures of cats so who even gives a shit).


Someone has been going through that box, at least at the end of every week. This person has been stoically ignoring what at this point is an obvious cat problem that someone at this company has. This person wants to go on pretending they’re NOT looking at pictures of cats every day, this person wants to pretend that the world isn’t like it is. You fucking rat. You fucking rat in a maze.

But you know what? This person (who again is choosing to REJECT THE TRUTH THAT IS ALL AROUND THEM), this person is stronger and more dedicated than me. I can’t keep making cats. I can’t keep making cats for this joke that’s never going to pay off. I had a lot of fun, I feel like I have a better understanding of what a cat nose looks like and I had an excuse every day to get up and move my legs a little bit, but I don’t want to do this anymore, so I’m stopping, so I lost, so I’m a loser.


But the REAL loser, I think you’ll agree, is everyone else who ISN’T me. They lost because they’ll never be party to the EXPERIENCE that I wanted to provide them with (completely free of charge, I forgot to mention). They won’t have the memory of that weird day at the office when suddenly everyone was talking about the mystery cat guy, and like wondering “Is he single he sounds cool,” or like “What if the mystery cat person is a girl, Janet, did you even fucking think of that it’s 2015.” Janet and Grimace won’t have the memory of that conversation, because that conversation won’t happen, because someone in this office refuses to do his or her part in what this voter is calling “The Con of the Century” by sending a simple god damn email. He or she robbed this entire building of a Moment and that, friends and ex-lovers, is the real #tragedy.















Fun Story: My director kept telling me and my tenor sax buddy to play softer. No matter what we did, it wasn’t soft enough for him. So getting frustrated, I told my buddy “Dont play this time. Just fake it” 

Our Band Director then informed us we sounded perfect. 

To my readers: “p” means quiet, “pp” means really quiet. I’ve never seen “pppp” before haha.

On the contrast, “f” means loud, and “ffff” probably means so loud you go unconscious.

I had ffff in a piece once and my conductor told me to play as loudly as physically possible without falling off my chair

Me and my trombone buddies had “ffff” and he sat next to me and played so hard that he fell out of his chair.

The lengths we go for music.

Okay yeah so I play the bass clarinet and the amount of air you have to move and the stiffness of the reed means it only has two settings and that is loud and louder, with an optional LOUDEST that includes a 50% probability of HORRIBLE CROAKING NOISE which is the bass equivalent of the ubiquitous clarinet shriek.

One day, when I was in concert band in high school, we got a new piece handed out for the first time, and there was a strange little commotion back in the tuba section — whispering, and pointing at something in the music, and swatting at each other’s hands all shhh don’t call attention to it. And although they did attract the attention of basically everyone else in the band, they managed to avoid being noticed by the band director, who gave us a few minutes to look over our parts and then said, “All right, let’s run through it up to section A.”

And here we are, cheerfully playing along, sounding reasonably competent — but everyone, when they have the attention to spare, is keeping an eye on the tuba players. They don’t come in for the first eight measures or so, and then when they do come in, what we see is:

[stifled giggling]

[reeeeeeally deep breath]


The entire band stops dead, in the cacophonous kind of way that a band stops when it hasn’t actually been cued to stop. The band director doesn’t even say anything, just looks straight back at the tubas and makes a helpless sort of why gesture.

In unison, the tuba players defend themselves: “THERE WERE FOUR F’S.”

FFFF is not really a rational dynamic marking for any instrument, but for the love of all that is holy why would you put it in a tuba part.

This is the best band post 

Everyone else go home

Oh man, so I play trombone, and we got this piece called Florentiner Marsch by Julius Fucik, and we saw this


which is 8 fortes. We were shocked until,


that is 24 fortes who the fuck does that

Who does that?

This guy. Take a good look – that is the moustache of a man with nothing to lose.

Julius IdontgivaFucik

More like Julius Fuckit

Pyrozod’s tags for this were too hilarious not to share



I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”