
[Image description: An ink and marker drawing of Amanda “The Wall” Waller, a DC Comics character.Ā  She is an intimidating, stocky, fat black woman in a blue skirt suit with a white dress shirt underneath, and gold hoops in her ears.Ā  She is rendered in an angular, geometric style with lots of dramatic shadows.Ā  Her arms are crossed, and she stares forward with a stern expression against a simple black and red background.]

amanda waller by *snareser


[Image Description: A 3D rendered illustration of two sumo wrestlers who appear to also be Yakuza members.Ā  In the foreground, one wrestler squats before his opponent, wearing a black mawashi (loincloth) and his visible leg, arm, and back are heavily tattooed. In the midground, his opponent has his left leg raised high, ready to stamp it down to the ground.Ā  He is wearing a dark blue mawashi with long pieces of fringe, and his arms, chest, and legs are also heavily tattooed with dragons, flowers, and billiard balls.Ā  The background of the image is of a sumo ring, with a backdrop of traditional Japanese paintings. Both men look very powerful.]

Yakuza sumo by *Vi2DoubleYu

This is so cool.


[Image Description: A painting of a fat, blue-skinned troll woman.Ā  She has long, wavy, blue hair that is trailing down her back to the left of the image and loosely knotted near the bottom, and is wearing a lacy, ruffley corset and lace opera-length fingerless gloves.Ā  Around her neck is a string of large pearls, and her pointed ears have large teardrop-shaped chandelier earrings.Ā  Her eyes are closed in an expression of contentment.Ā  In the background are some simple-looking trees.Ā  She looks very serene and lovely.]

Sketchbook Misc 02 by ~colmahouse


[Images: A collection of fantasy illustrations by NuisanceBearEull featuring lovely women of many different sizes and shapes.]

I basically want to make out with NuisanceBearEull every single time she submits something new.Ā  I love love LOVE her style and all the plump (and fat and thin) ladies she draws.


[Image description: A closeup photo of Beth Ditto wearing a shiny gold dress with rhinstones at the bust line.Ā  Her arms are raised behind her head, which shows off her impressive figure.Ā  There are many different sources and colors of lighting, which makes for a dramatic picture.]


Starting the day right.

My dash also needs more Beth Ditto. Always.Ā  UNF.



Adventure Time fans might disagree over a lot of things, but EVERYONE loves LSP.

Iā€™ve been meaning to practice drawing more women of size, and this was the perfect excuse.

P.S. If you are planning to make rude comments regarding her weight please go lump yourself.


Dammit, I’ve been trying to avoid watching Adventure Time (due to “Alex Has No Time!”) but with watching the Sugarless Gum adventures from afar, and now this, I might crack under the pressure. o_o;