
[Image: A blue pegasus with glasses and black and green streaked hair hovering slightly above the ground, next to a light green unicorn with a curly purple mane and tail, also wearing glasses.  The pegasus’ cutie mark is a Star Trek emblem, and the unicorn’s cutie mark is a “NO PANTS” symbol.  Behind them is a pink background with a rainbow and the words “Fatcast Ponies!”]

Pony versions of two of my favorite fat bloggers!

Marianne Kirby (pegasus) blogs at The Rotund.
Lesley Kinzel (unicorn) blogs at Two Whole Cakes.
They are both contributors on xoJane, and have a podcast: [link]

YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS.  Lesley wanted to be a pony.  I TOTALLY DRAW PONIES.

So I posted the drawings of these ponies on twitter for their recipients to see.

(Marianne too, because I didn’t want her to feel left out and she makes a perfect pony anyway!)

And now Lesley’s following me on twitter. EDIT: And now Marianne too. *dies*


Enjoy the ponies, I’m just gonna keep fangirling over here.

Comics and the Human Body: April 28th in Dearborn


FPA Moderators Megan Rose Gedris and Alex Heberling will be at Penguicon in Dearborn, Michigan on Saturday, April 28th, giving a talk called “Comics and the Human Body.” Comics are notorious for some pretty atrocious art when it comes to body types, but that’s just the surface, and there’s a wide range of creators drawing a wide range of body types. Come hear us talk about the very very good and the very very bad when it comes to bodies in comics. We’ll also be doing some quick tutorials on some different body types.

And please reblog this with good examples (both really good and really bad) that you think we should discuss!

If there’s interest, I’ll get into my skivvies for a real life fleshy fat demonstration!

Two Stories of Fat Hate [TW]

Yesterday I was sitting in the break room at work eating my lunch when a commercial for “My 600 Pound Life” came on the TV.  Two of my coworkers were also in the break room at the time and melodramatically recoiled and groaned as the man in the commercial, a very large man of color, did such things as use a walker to get around his house, show his chest and belly to the camera, and talk to the camera crew in interviews.

The commercial alluded to some sort of surgery he underwent, during which his heart temporarily stopped.  As I sat there for about 20 seconds seething at my coworkers reactions, the commercial wrapped up, and they were still talking about it immediately after.

As they groaned and chuckled, I spoke up: “Can we talk about something else now?  Instead of talking about how horrible fat people are?”

Coworker A responded: “No, that’s not fat, that’s something else.” With a shake of his head.

I said, “No, that’s fat, just like me, and I really don’t appreciate it."  Coworker kind of shrugged and went back to doing something with his phone.  Coworker B didn’t say anything.

I know I’m starting to be a Big Girl Activist now, because I’m actually starting to speak up!  This is pretty damn huge for me, formerly known as Avoid Confrontation If At All Possible Girl.  The silver lining to this story is that Coworker B later came to me and apologized for her comments.  She and I are fairly close coworker-friends, and I had recently shut down a bit of body-shaming that occurred on her Facebook wall on the topic of one of those "Women’s Ideal Size/Men’s Ideal Size/National Average Size” images that’s been going around.  So she thankfully was already aware of my feelings on the issue and likes me enough as a friend to step up and apologize.

This second story happened earlier just this evening, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to speak out.

I met a group of friends at a coffee shop, and while we were sitting there, I overheard a conversation between two women who were sitting behind me.  The first woman was telling her friend about the company she worked for, which had recently interviewed a job candidate.  Supposedly her managers or whoever were just gushing about his credentials, being overqualified for the job, but since he was “morbidly obese” (her words, not mine) they decided he would cost the company too much for healthcare because he probably had a lot of health conditions being so fat.  She said they were also making jokes about his breathing.

Luckily, the woman telling the story seemed reproachful/surprised/shocked that her coworkers were gushing about his qualifications, yet also laughing about him in private.  Her tone, at least, wasn’t that her employers were totally justified.  The hiring people didn’t tell him that he wasn’t getting the job because he’d cost too much for healthcare, they just said something like, “We’re not looking for anyone right now, but we’ll keep your resume on file.”

Like I said, I didn’t have the opportunity to speak up here, since it was kind of bridge under the water at that point for the fat man.  But it’s helpful to get it out into the aether so it doesn’t stew up in my brain.

hate your body? reverse brainwash yourself with tumblr


spam your dashboard with pictures of people that look like you. track tags for what you’re struggling with: “fat acceptance”, “natural hair”, “freckles”, “transgender”, “body hair”, etc. follow people who post about your specific concerns. make your own FUCKYEAH tumblr.

even if it’s uncomfortable at first, the more exposure you have to it, the less insecure you’ll be about it. eventually you will OWN it & start living in a happy self-love bubble. then, when confronted with backwards ignorant bullshit from other people, you’ll be laughing in their faces, not crying at home.

this might be old news to some, but i know a lot more people that could benefit from this. i think of tumblr as a customized magazine full of shit you’re selling to yourself – just make sure you’ve got the right message.

Body Positive: Why I Endorse Fat Acceptance

Body Positive: Why I Endorse Fat Acceptance



Example of caring about a fat person’s health: “Hey, have you checked out this new HAES article? It’s got tons of information! Including tips on self esteem and some cool recipes we could try out!”

Example of being an unimportant douchebag: “Hey, I don’t like the way you look and I could never have the confidence you do, so I just wanted you to know that I hope you get a heart attack and die!”

<3 <3 <3

May have just started an argument on Facebook after someone health-concern-troll-fat-bashed my assertion that all body types are valid for women to have, so now I’m trawling the fat acceptance tag to steel myself for confrontation if it comes to it.


[Image: A fashion-y illustration of Alex wearing a red spotted dress with a black shrug cardigan, long strawberry necklace, black tights, and white gogo boots.]

Outfit from 10.28.2011

Dress: Domino Dollhouse sz. 24
Shrug: Pure Energy sz. 2 (Target)/
Tights: Assets sz. 5 (Target)
Boots: Funtasma sz. 11 (eBay)
Necklace:  Thrifted
Wristlet: e.l.f. cosmetics

I love love love the strawberry dress– the only drawback is I cannot wear it by itself!  The neckline is cut a little strangely for my shoulders and the straps wont stay up at all.  But the shrug works well enough until I can take it to my seamstress friend to see what she can make of it. ^_^


[Image description: A fashion-y illustration of Alex wearing a purple burnout shirt, a black skirt, grey stockings, pink and grey legwarmers, and black mary jane shoes.]

Shirt: Pure Energy (Target) sz. 3
Fat Necklace: Definatalie
Skirt: Merona (Target) sz. 3
Stockings: Lane Bryant sz. C/D (They were originally tights, but I cut ‘em off and they’re stockings now.)
Legwarmers: Xhiliration (Target)
Shoes: Crocs sz. 10

Back on the OOTD wagon! o/

I got two new outfits drawn while on my lunch break last night, so I inked them up when I got home.  (I will hopefully color and post the second one tomorrow.)  I tried something new and inked them with a real actual brush and pot of ink, too!  And I only smudged this one in ONE place! ^_^;;

Anyways, my favorite part of this (both the outfit and the drawing) is from the knees down. DOSE LEGWARMERS.

No one will ever take my legwarmers away from me. *clutches them to the chest*


[Image description: Several pencil sketches of slogans in tatoo-inspired lettering: Fat Life, Rack of Doom, Death Fat, Fat Femme, Fat Butch, and Fat & Queer.]

Some ideas for my next series of Body Love Buttons. These will be in tattoo style, but I’ve got some researching to do on the lettering styles before I work on the final designs.


[Image description: A grainy photo of a group of teens in their prom wear.  Alex stands in the middle looking to her right wearing a sparkly red dress with spaghetti straps.  The rest of the kids have their faces obscured by mosaics.]

I posted this to a thread in r/TwoXChromosomes about a girl the poster knew who was being fat shaming about prom dresses (tw: fat hate, bullying) and I thought I’d post it here, too.

I was a fat teen, and this is what I wore to prom.  I was probably around a size 18 at this time, and I got the dress at DEB.