


Inspired by Worthington Libraries: Blind Date with a Book!

We started with ~40 books. Two hours later, all but four had found homes with library patrons (sorry, Flush, Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, Persepolis, and The ThingsThey Carried, they don’t know what they’re missing).

Now, to send forth a new fleet of exciting books into student arms. Whew!

The Worthington Library is about a mile away from me!  What trendsetters.


[Image: A painted comic page of the Columbus skyline at nighttime, with a blue hologram floating in the sky above the buildings.]

That skyline looks familiar… hmmm….

This is a big splash page/panel with an inset panel up at the top, but I took the BG into a new file for the painting part. :) I’m really happy with this!