
[Image: A drawing of a yellow pony with brown mane and tail, wearing glasses and standing with his right front hoof raised slightly.  His cutie mark is a green, yellow, and white blanket in a puddle with water drops around it.]

I’ve never done an “official” drawing of Chris’s ponysona, so here it is!

“What is that cutie mark?” you ask.  Here’s a finely crafted link to my webcomic to find out!


[Image: Chris dancing with anthropomorphized veggie protein: natto, chickpea, beans, tofu, seitan, tempeh, lentils, almond, and peanut.  Text says “DON’T NEED NO STINKIN MEAT.”]

Chris pointed out that only one of my sushi buttons is vegetarian, so I have now obliged with anthropomorphized vegetable proteins.

From left: Natto, chickpeas, beans, tofu, seitan, tempeh, lentils, almonds, and peanuts