
[Image: Webcam photo of Alex holding up three sheets of paper; white, yellow, and orange; with circles printed on them.  She’s tapping her chin with her other hand thoughtfully.]

Making buttons of the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ cutie… marks… hm.

Maybe I didn’t think this through completely.


The new Body Love Buttons are now in stock!  Click through to see this set, as well as the previous set of BLBs.  You can buy them in packs of five, or mix and match to your heart’s content. <3

I will have these for sale in the Dealer’s Room at WisCon this weekend, as well as the other items in my online store!

(And I’m also taking slogan suggestions for the next series. I have a few ideas already, but it’d be awesome to hear from others, too!)


[Image description: Several pencil sketches of slogans in tatoo-inspired lettering: Fat Life, Rack of Doom, Death Fat, Fat Femme, Fat Butch, and Fat & Queer.]

Some ideas for my next series of Body Love Buttons. These will be in tattoo style, but I’ve got some researching to do on the lettering styles before I work on the final designs.


So, around two years ago, I made badges of the various village symbols from Naruto, in order to take money from teenagers, which is one of my favorite pastimes.  Well, naturally, the popularity of Naruto waned, and so I discontinued the buttons, and put whatever I had left into my clearance bowl for 25 cents apiece.

These damn Rock Village badges have followed me around ever since.  I still had a handful left, and, realizing I had a white Pentel paint pen with me, I decided to draw on them to make them into… a pair of shoes, a dog, a cow, a Christmas tree, and a turtle.  (The unaltered button is the one on the right.)  Aaaaand some people actually bought a couple of them after I did this.

Then again, a kid bought the last unaltered button and she was disappointed that I’d drawn on the rest of them.


Here are the color versions I decided on for my FA button set!

1. Argyle. It is awesome.

2. These will be debuting this weekend at Bodyslam!, put on by Love Your Body Detroit.

3. I have no idea what to expect, but I’m going to test out OOTD prints as well.  Just some of my favorites, and a few copies of each at that.

4.  The buttons, at least, will go up in the store next week!

After this very strenuous work week, I am really looking forward to the weekend.