
[Images: Pictures of Bolin overlaid with several captions:

“Brings flowers and baked goods; isn’t looking for sex.”
“Girl rejects advances; immediately backs off and remains friendly.”
“Is rescued by a woman; is thankful and treats it as heroic.”
“Saved by a girl; does not feel emasculated in any way.”
“Teaches woman a new skill; isn’t condescending about it.”]






Feminist Bolin / Perfect Man Bolin [x]

I guess I am the best man.

haha yeah well you’re better then most men it seems.


Bolin be my boifran. 

Can I be your forever girl, Bolin?

Thank you Korra producers for being bold enough to make a show with these PERFECTLY NORMAL character archetypes that for someone reason Hollywood thinks either a) will scare away viewers or b) never existed before. They are awesome! <3 Strong female leads rock, so do guys who don’t value their own worth on out-dated ideals of what is “manly.”

Hnnng, Team Bolin, hands down. :D