


Here are the final designs for the pins I have been talking about. Pre-orders will close on February 1st, 2017. And once I have put in the order it will take 2-3 weeks for them to be made. So I will be shipping them to everyone who ordered near the end of February/early March.

Pre-Order here -> http://fae.dragonadventures.net/pins/

I am very happy with the designs and I can’t wait to see them made into pins. I hope you all like them as much as I do. I can’t wait to get to wear them.

Feel free to share my this post elsewhere.


okay but have you considered this


autistic magical girls

autistic magical girls stimming with pretty hair ribbons and the loops of lace on their pastel sleeves

autistic magical girls using magic to make their frilly skirts sparkle instead of itchy plastic glitter

autistic magical girls incorporating earmuffs into their fancy headdresses to make sure that they can feel their best when fighting with the forces of evil

autistic magical girls using magic to pursue their special interests (alternatively, autistic magical girls with magic itself as their special interest)

autistic magical girls who can easily dress for comfort and fashion because magic fabrics are amazing on both fronts


autistic magical girls




What does this picture mean?

Is it saying autistic children don’t play on playgrounds?  Well, that’s incorrect.  My husband preferred Legos to the playgrounds, but there also were, are, and will be typical children with such preferences.

Is it saying it’s a leap of faith to have a child amongst the soaring rates of autism (which actually don’t mean there are significantly more autistic people in the world, just more diagnosed and more autistic adults, diagnosed and undiagnosed, having kids of their own)?

Is it saying the parents in the picture might be the chosen ones to HAVE A NORMAL CHILD THAT PLAYS amidst all those autistic children who, for the sake of argument as pertaining to this image, don’t play?

What does this mean? 

The absence of any actual autistic kids in this picture says TONS about how much they “care”. 

What the fuck, Jim Borgman?