
[Image: A screencap of an askbox message reading:

Anonymous asked [The Mighty Thor]:

I have been badgered about my weight constantly, by my mother, my friends, even fellow employees. I am happy as I am though. I am healthy and feel good. They just want me to be thinner. Are they right though? Would I be able to get further in life if I were thinner?]


Why, you have answered your own inquiry, Greyface!

If you are content with your appearance, content as you are — then these people who seek to change you have no ground to stand upon. It does not make the slightest lick of sense that they are so eager to change you, when they are not the ones looking into the mirror!

Remain steadfast in your resolve to remain as you are, young one. None have the right to dictate how you might live your life! For, their wishes are irrelevant when compared to your wishes about your own body.

The only possible way to truly walk further down life’s path is to be happy with yourself, in the end.

[Image: A looping animated GIF of Thor in profile, chuckling and smiling.]