14 (If so I’d love to know how), 22, and 24

14: Do you ever collaborate with others?

Rarely, and when it does happen, it’s usually just for shits and grins.  For awhile, I was going to a weekly meetup of local comics folks and we’d do jam comics, for example.  In a professional context, I’ve KIND of worked with writers (on my first webcomic, which was a collaboration between me and my two BFFs) but not in a long time.  I’m A LONE WOLF WHO DON’T NEED NO ONE! jk. XD

22: Are you confident that you’re improving steadily?

Oh yes. Do something every day for a decade and you’ll go a long way from where you started.

24: Do you feel jealous when you see other people’s art, or inspired? (Be honest!)


1 and 2? :3

1: Do you prefer traditional drawing, or digital?

I like both, but I tend to work in digital most of the time.  My comics are all digital, as are most of my commissions, but it’s also nice to unplug and use traditional media now and then.  My con sketch cards are markers, pen, and colored pencil, which are the supplies that I used most often as a teenager before I learned how to art with a computer, so there’s an element of nostalgia built in for me. :) I still have nearly every colored pencil I’ve owned since ager 14. ^_^;;

2: How long have you been drawing?

My mom would tell you I came out of the womb with a crayon in my hand. (ETA: If I recall correctly, the earliest drawing I did, as immortalized in my photo album at home, is from 1989 or 90. It was a picture of my mom.)  I always liked to draw and was usually the best artist in my class in elementary school and the like.

But really, I mostly drew cats up until around 1998, when I discovered Sailor Moon.  Then I started drawing PEOPLE, and I haven’t really stopped since.

I’ve been making comics since high school (2003ish), and I put up my first webcomic almost ten years ago.