

What’s this?? Why, it is what is about to become the first piece of FYASO merchandise!

This design is going to be screenprinted onto canvas tote bags by yours truly! If it turns out well, I’ll hopefully be making a bunch more to sell online! If, of course, people are interested.

What do you think? :)

Cool!  Depending on how big the tote bag is, I’ll think about buying one. :)


[Image: Art Student Owl meme.  “Have you been high passed today? Because you are looking sharp.]

Why didn’t this meme exist when I was in art school?  I have so few occasions to use pickup lines these days.


[Image: Art Student Owl meme: a grey owl with yellow eyes and a cigarette hanging out of its beak against an alternating pinwheel background of gray, blue, and gold.

Top text: Digital Painting I.  Bottom text: Know more about Photoshop that your professor.]


During that quarter, I started my job at a late-night sub shop on campus, working until 4-5am and cleaning up after the drunks.  I would often nap for a few hours and stumble to my 12 o’clock class in a haze, or even skip sleep altogether.  It was a good thing I already knew what I was doing. ^_^;;


UGGGH this was so me in college.  Just replace “midterm project” with “art history paper."  Doing projects for my art classes was no big deal, but those GECs brought out the domestic goddess in me like no other.