
[Image: an animated GIF of the Inner Senshi’s various transformation pens/wands in order of season/senshi.]

Wow! I never noticed how the wings on the Crystal Power wands were different colors for each character.  I always assumed they were all white…?


[Image: An animated GIF of Sailor Jupiter spinning around while the camera pans upwards during her transformation sequence.]

Girl look at that body.

This episode is coming up in my rewatch. :3  It’s always lovely to see the swanky redrawn transformations in SuperS.


[Images: A series of four animated GIFs of a close-up piece of charcoal making marks on a lightly textured surface.  Flecks and crumbs of charcoal flake off the stick as it’s dragged across the paper.]








to an artist this is erotica.


I like how this is shown in such graphite detail.

I have the weirdest boner right now…





[Image: An animated GIF of Barack Obama and another guy whose face is turned away pointing to a big screen TV, on which the ladies of Sailor Moon repeatedly appear.]


My fellow Americans. Today, I introduce to you a foreign ally from not just overseas, but from outer space. One who will never turn her back on an allied country in need; one who will fight to defend what is right. We can depend on this organisation to protect our nation. She is the one named… Sailor Moon.


[Images: three animated GIFs of Katherine Moennig speaking with the words captioned: Sexuality is fluid whether you’re gay, straight, or bisexual. Just go with the flow!]

UNNNNNNGH SHANE.  Let me dive into your bedroom eyes.

(I think this is Shane, yes?  Or another role of hers?  God I’m so so so far behind on the L Word.)


[Image description: A monochromatic animated GIF of the night sky.  A meteor is seen hitting the Earth’s atmosphere, lighting up briefly, then sputtering out.  A running timestamp is on the bottom border of the image.]

A meteor breaking up in the Earth’s atmosphere on Sept. 30, 2011.

Astronomy lusting time.



derych asked: Isn’t it illegal for a company (regardless of the seller or the manufacturer) not to have the ingredients showing? At least I’m pretty sure it’s that way in the UK. I’m proud of the way you dealt with the piece you had started, such a good way to look at it.

I dunno. It seemed mostly like careless ticker placing. Which, knowing most of those stickers are applied by night crew workers who don’t give a fuck (and who honestly shouldn’t give a fuck because they get treated like shit), is probably the most likely cause.

As an impoverished overnight retailer worker, I can confirm that most of us give very few fucks.  (At least where I work.)

[Image-  An animated GIF of Tiana (Princess and the Frog) shrugging.]


[Images: A series of GIFs from The Office (US) showing Jim opening a Christmas present from Creed:  an old shirt he threw in a plastic bag.]

Today is apparently the day I discover tag tracking.