Tag: anatomy
Notes on the importance of the line of action.
Sources: Flooby Nooby, Advanced Animation by Preston Blair, shermcohen, Pixelovely.com
Tutorials done by Stanislav Prokopenko who is an instructor at Watts Atelier.
Right click + New Tab to see the images in their original size. There are 10 images, sorry I had to chop them up because Tumblr has a image size limit and starts resizing.
auto reblog
for future reference
Varying Your Body Types
By me, Sara D. (Heh.)
I think it’s very important for artists to vary the types of bodies they draw! Not only does it add visual interest and diversity, but different body types can enhance your characters! (Plus it’s more realistic; when was the last time you walked down the street and everyone had the same body type?) I know I have a hard time drawing different bodies, especially with men, so I’m making this tutorial to teach myself as well (I’ve heard the best way to cement learning something is to teach someone else).
So! Bodies! I’m going to use women for this tutorial because I feel they have more variety in their bodies. One of the most obvious ways bodies differ is in their amount of fat.
On average, people store fat mostly in core areas like the bust, the waist, and the hips. It is important to remember that people gain and lose weight differently, and this is true no matter how fat or skinny one gets. However, these are common places people store fat:
The face and neck can be immediate indicators as to how much fat the rest of the body has; when someone loses or gains weight, it’s initially obvious in the face. This is possibly because the eye is (usually) drawn first to the face.
In addition to differences in the amount of body fat, bodies vary vastly in their proportions. The two main ways they differ is skeletally and in fat distribution. The hip to shoulder ratio is skeletal, and someone with wider shoulders might look more powerful or masculine, and someone with wider hips might look more grounded or feminine.
The torso to legs ratio is also a skeletal ratio. Someone with long legs in comparison with their torso might look taller than someone of the same height with a long torso, and they might also look skinnier.
(I say as I finally get some visual variety all up in here.)
Because the hips are also one of the places with the most weight gain in women, large hips can also be a matter of fat distribution. The three main places where the fat ratio really matters is in the bust, the waist and the hips (making up the core of the body).
While men usually carry weight in the belly area, the fat distribution can really vary with women. Some women carry more weight in the bust, some in the belly, and some in the hips/thighs. Some women carry more weight in two areas, like the bust and the hips, the bust and the belly, or the belly and the hips. Some women show no obvious bias to any area and carry weight equally.
Taking into account skeletal ratios, fat distribution patterns, a vast human weight range, muscle tone and age, there are endless permutations of body types. It would be a shame if you used only one!
Oh, and that first image looks really interesting as a gif.
Learning anatomy drawing is important. Period. Whatever you plan to draw and however you plan to draw it you need to have an idea of what it actually looks like, practice in realism, before you plan to move on to creative interpretation.
Here are examples of all different kinds of athletic body types to illustrate the importance of knowing what sort of “built” look you will need to go for when drawing and designing a character. Not all fit is the same fit and it is so hard to find adequate variety when looking for references. These were linked by a talented comic artist Nina Matsumoto. Here site can be found here http://ninamatsumoto.wordpress.com/
A good sampling of her art can be found here http://spacecoyote.deviantart.com/
I decided to draw up some tips for drawing girls, since I _think_ I know what I’m doing with them. A lot of peeps have asked for them, so here’s a bit. Will have a male one when I get really confident with the dudes (which i’m progressing nicely in that area), but for now, this will suffice.Â
Let me know if there are any questions you have or anything else you’d like me to show you that’s reasonable. But just remember that you have to learn and study for yourself to get the idea.Â
Other Tips:
– Using shapes for your gestures beats stick figure methods! Read this: [link]Â
– Draw constantly. Don’t just look at what you’re working on, study it! Learn why certain things connect the way they do, what muscles get tense in a position and relaxed, etc. Don’t just draw what you see.
– Come up with your own visual cues to help you “see” how a form works, like the McDonald’s Arches and Megaman Boot. You’d be surprised how easy it is for you to remember how something looks!
– With women, remember, dainty and curvy lines beats hard edgy lines! No matter the size of woman’s breasts or hips or proportions, these things always apply best: Hands with less lines, thinner fingers and smaller feet. Using line minimally also bumps femininity up if you’re not confident with what you’re doing yet. And curves always! Even on the straightest line, make it a bit curvy.