

Just when you thought you knew everything about boobsā€¦ NSFW?







My darling friend Chizzi mentioned that there are a lot of booby tutorials out there are just predrawn boobs with the artist going HEY LOOK! HERE ARE SOME BOOBS! but not many that actually talk about the anatomical structure, and where to put the lines.Ā  I was like, ā€œHey, I can probably whip something up.ā€Ā  And so I spent my thanksgiving making this.

Proportions probably arenā€™t exact, but I did my best.Ā  I also didnā€™t explore the various body types, but perhaps I could do a separate tutorial someday.Ā  I hope you find this tutorial useful :)

All photo references used in the tutorial were found on The Drawing Script.Ā  Credits to each photo belong to their respective owners.



Why do you do this to me


Thereā€™s a reason behind color zones, but James Gurney does a much better job at explaining it than I do. Keep in mind this doesnā€™t cover lighting, just the local color of skin.

Although there are ā€˜color palettesā€™ here, I really wouldnā€™t recommend using them for your own (as in saving the image and eye dropping them) art, I did this rather quickly so this probably not very accurate. These are just my personal preferences when it comes to color. I donā€™t have saved palettes; I pick colors depending on the lighting or mood as I am working on a painting. BUT IF YOU WANT TO GO RIGHT AHEAD.

As for texture, lolidunno, I just use a lot of scatter brushes until it sort of looks like skin texture??? I honestly donā€™t worry about texture though unless itā€™s like a really close up view of a face or whatever. You can find my brushes hereĀ (youā€™ll need Photoshop CS or higher).

I am flattered that people are seeking advice from me, but keep in mind that I am still learning myself, so I am by no means the best person to be asking. Hope this helps you out though, anon!