
Long time ago, someone suggested I draw cute anthropomorphized beverages for a coaster set, along the lines of my cute sushi buttons. So I spent yesterday drawing various drinks with faces on them. XD #cute #drinks #coffee #tea #alcohol #youmacon #arting #drawing #sketch






30 Shots Infographic

Handy, although the “oil spill” looks like it could vie for Worst Creation of Man.

And that is NOT what goes in a blow job! >:c

That’s a blow job in most places in the Midwest, at least.  I don’t think most people actually care what’s under the whipped cream, as long as it looks dirty when you do it and it fucks you up.

Also, mixing the Oil Spill half and half without layering is called a Starry Starry Night.  It’s a gorgeous shot that perfectly replicates the sensation of being hit in the head with a baseball bat covered in Red Hots.

I must admit, the 4 Horseman made me laugh. I’m guessing the tequila is Death

Also, I remember once having a night of Red Headed Sluts.

Never. Again.

I enjoy adult beverages.


Curtain Call by *alex-heberling

Timelapse + commentary video: [link]

Once upon a time, in the ancient year of 2004, I drew a picture for my dad, who operates the bar at a theater, to advertise a house cocktail he created in order to use up some surplus liquor in stock. This drink was named THE CURTAIN CALL.

Not too long ago, I was visiting my parents for the holidays and saw a printout of the old artwork lying around the kitchen table. I was thinking to myself, “Man, I could do a much better job on this nowadays,” and apparently my dad was thinking the same thing, since he asked me to redo it.

Here it is, in all its Before-I-Went-To-Art-School glory: [x]



[Image description: a webcam photo of Alex holding a mug of hot chocolate… with a little something extra.]

The joys of working third shift: nightcaps at 9 AM.  (That’s hot chocolate with amaretto, fyi.)