What Do You Wish Subtitles Had?


Hey guys; it’s been a desire of mine to produce my own series of Sailor Moon subtitles some day, potentially starting with PGSM. I have my own personal preferences for why I’d like to tackle it, but part of it is also improving the accessibility of subtitles.

My question is, if you’re HoH/hearing impaired/deaf, is there anything you wish subtitlers did to make the subtitles more accessible? It seems like most anime subs are made for a hearing audience, and they think some things don’t “need” to be subtitled because they assume people will hear it.
Some examples are things like doors slamming, footsteps, tire screeches, etc. that imply events occuring off-screen, or tone cues, e.g. sarcasm, trying not to cry, etc.
Even noting which character is talking in a group scene.
Would you benefit from subtitles that noted auditory cues like that, or would that not be helpful? Is there anything else you wish subtitles would do (or stop doing) in order to make them more useful to you?

And anime fans who are visually impaired, is there anything you wish subtitles would do/stop doing to help with legibility? I’ve heard people saying that they wish sub groups would chill out with the OTT karaoke effects (agreed lmao) and that it’s helpful when text is colour-coded to a character, so long as the colour combo isn’t hard to read.

I’ve also heard that people learning English can find subtitles particularly helpful, so is there anything subbers do that makes it easier/harder to understand?

Please feel free to reblog or add to this even if you aren’t interested in Sailor Moon subs, because hopefully other sub groups will find it useful too. :)



So, you may or may not know, but I am a HUGE fan of Lego.  Have been since I was a kid, but I recently started amassing lego sets/loose legos again.  I discovered that putting together the creator/expert sets is a really effective pain distraction for me.


While perusing the Lego Ideas site (where fan-based designs and sets are potentially picked from to create new lego sets), I ran across these 2 accessibility-themed sets.


So awesome!  But they need your help.  In order to move forward in the process, they have to amass 10,000 votes of support!  The first project is  just over halfway there with 21 days left, and the second is just starting out with 65 days left.


Supporting accessible themed items/sets in Lego opens a door to visibility in toys that doesn’t really exist yet.  So go support these projects.  You will have to sign up for a lego id in order to vote, but it’s totally worth it if it means getting this kind of visibility and consideration  into a super popular “kids” toy line.


For the first project: VISIT THIS LINK

For the second projecT: VISIT THIS LINK
